Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Too good NOT to share...

Hello my DD's!  (aka...Domestic Divas) :) 

I'm sure most of you would agree (If you don't agree...I call BS! ;p) ....there is nothing better than a nice, relaxed summer weekend in the middle of July....topped off with a good ol' BBQ on Sunday night!  A jug of fruity drink mix (A MUST!), ribs on the grill, coleslaw on the table, with all the trimmings to boot!  MMMmmm...  I can smell it [Seriously...I can smell it... and taste it!]  What the heck was I thinking getting this stuck in my head on a very cold and windy, snowy Sunday in January? Who knows!....But I did...and I'm glad I did! (So was my husband, and you will be too!) I came up with a FANTASTIC meal idea to bring everything you love about the BBQ all in one Oh-So DEE-double-LICIOUS sandwich!  Here's the best part... (Husbands worldwide are going to thank me :P You're Welcome boys!) All this can be made...[drum roll please] without having to venture out, in a foot of snow, in minus 20 degree temperature, with a wind chill of FREEZING!

The truth is...after I made this, I thought it was just TOO GOOD not to share with all of you! And....It's easy!!! BUT...If you're looking for a healthy meal option....NOT sure this is it! Julia Child said it best "The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook." This might not be steak.....But you see where I am going :)  

Divas: I used all of my own recipes to come up with what I call my "Oh-So DEE-double-LICIOUS sandwich".....I'm sure so many of you have your own Fan-titaly-tastic recipes to use, BUT...If you don't and need or want any recipes from The Trendy Domestic...Just let me know! I would be OVER THE MOON to share any (and all) recipes with you!  :)  

The How To's:
  1. Make your coleslaw (you'll want to make this first and refrigerate, so it's cold and crunchy!...if you wait too long to make it, no biggie... just put it in the freezer for about 10 mins....Cold and crunchy it will be :)
  2. I used pulled pork (I made it last week, and had some left over's...soooo I froze them!) 
  3. As a substitute you could use beef roast or chicken (I betcha either would DEE-double-LICIOUS as well!) 
  4. Heat your meat (he,he) in the oven @ 375 degrees, and add about 2 tbsp of BBQ sauce (use your fave!) (You want it SAUCY...like ribs) approx. 12-18 minutes, depending on your oven. 
  5. While your meat is in the oven....
  6. You'll need 1 red pepper, 1 green pepper and half a red onion (Cut all three items into thin, long slices) 
  7. In a fry pan with a tsp of olive oil, fry the peppers and onions all together, season to taste (I added a little bit of crushed pepper flakes for some heat) 
  8. Put your pulled pork (or your choice of meat) on a bun, top it with your pepper's and onion combo....and last but certainly not least.... pile on the coleslaw.....  
TADA! A little slice of heavenly summer BBQ, in the heart of a Canadian Winter!     

Naan Bread Sandwich
I made my sandwich on a bun.....My husband made his on naan bread...both were fantastic...Whatever your fave carb...sky's the limit! :) 

My little treat for cooking dinner :) 
Little Treat: After slaving over this meal ALL DAY (well...1/2 hour), I thought I deserved a treat!  Some Champagne and orange juice, with a splash of gingerale... it was the PERFECT :) 

BON APPÉTIT Divas!  I hope you enjoy...and please, let me know what you think! 

The Trendy Domestic

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Grab your fancy apron and your handy rubber gloves (and a large glass of wine if you’d like, Don’t mind if I do!).  Your domestic life is about to change…Cooking, baking, cleaning, organizing, (basically, taking care of everyone else’s needs before your own) will be a bore-no-more as I am on a mission to explore and share amazing ideas on everything domestic!

From Left: ME!, Big Red (aka mom), Sister/Bestie
I’m the new girl on the blogging scene!  For those that know me, they would tell you that I have the ‘gift of the gab’ and I just love talking about everything and anything! I particularly love to talk and share about all things that have to do with the domestic part of life.  There is never a quiet or dull moment when I'm around; I’m a true lover of life, and whatever I do, the fun seems to follow.  I have lots to say obviously! I have a ton of useful/fun little facts that I love sharing with anyone who'll listen! In a nutshell, I'm both trendy and domestic, hence the name: “The Trendy Domestic”.  In my 30 years, (what’s that you say?  I don’t look a day over 21?  Why, thank you!), I have learned to do a little bit of anything and everything by taking notes from all the fabulous women in my life, and I’m going to share all I have learned with you!  

At a young age, I was very lucky to unknowingly be my mom's apprentice in life! My mother has always been a huge inspiration to me, so huge, that "MOM" is just too ordinary (and common)....so we call her “Big Red”. With a heart of gold, larger than life personality...and FIRE red hair, the oh-so appropriate nickname was giver to her, during the early years of my apprenticeship!  You’ll hear me refer to her from time to time as she's the one who taught me many of my domestic skills since I was her little ‘apprentice’ growing up. I followed her around the house attempting to help her with anything she had to do... particularly in the kitchen. I was always willing to give a helping hand...why? Well... because I was bored at the time and had nothing better to do! LOL...  Little did I know, filling my time by helping out my Big Red would really give me all the knowledge I would later need in life to be... well... be a SUPER WIFE! :) One of the most amazing things about Big Red, and this likely rings true for most mom’s, was that she just knew how to do everything.  No Google or books (or blogs :P) to refer too...Big Red just knew! Need your hem fixed? She's there with her needle and thread. Sore neck? She'd reach for the wool sock. Spilt your grape juice? (When you're 6 it's grape juice, nowadays, it would be red wine in this scenario). She'd make it so that no one would ever know that purple liquid had ever touched the white carpet.  Only 10 minutes to make dinner? Done! Fix an overflowing toilet? Yep, she could fix that too! How do moms just know this stuff??? This was the question I asked myself many, many times, when I first left home......Pre-wifey title of course! I wasn't out of the house long before I realized that Big Red was simply using the household tips, tricks, and skills passed on from generations of fabulous women that she grew up learning from! She was an apprentice too!!!  
Moms have oodles of domestic knowledge right there in front of you...100% free of charge....if you were paying attention!  :)  Well.....Luckily for us...I WAS!  That's why I am here...I will offer you the same deal I got.... 100% free of charge...if you're paying attention!  :)  I can’t wait to start sharing all of my tips and tricks to the domestic trade with all of you! 
Thanks for being followers.... :) I appreciate it more than you will ever know!   Looking forward to sharing. 
The Trendy Domestic