Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chance to WIN not working?

Hey Divas!  

Not sure if the link on the last blog worked for you or not? Some say it did...and some say it didn't!   If not, COPY the address below and PASTE it to your address bar, smack ENTER and tada! it quickly brings you to the contest! Sorry for the inconvenience!  :)  Good Luck!  


The Trendy Domestic 

Happy National Yoga Week!

I have two words for you today! YOGA & FREE.  Let me break it down for you.... 
OF COURSE, I have better news to share with you other than It's Tuesday [although... we are one step closer to the weekend :)] It's NATIONAL YOGA WEEK!!! Soooo.....
YOGA- If you don't do it...You should!  It's amazing!  Try it...You won't regret it! I have nothing more to say about that!  :) 
FREE- who doesn't love FREE... 

Click the link below, and enter to win a chance to win one of two $1000 Lululemon Gift Cards. THAT'S IT! 
Good Luck Divas!  I hope one of us WINS!!!  :)
The Trendy Domestic 

The Trendy Domestic Thanks YOU!

Hello DIVAS!

FIRST OFF..... Thank you!  Gracias!  Merci!  Obrigado! Tacka Dig!   Vielen Dank!  :)   

I would like to say THANK YOU for all for the wonderful support, kind words and GREAT feedback from all of you!  I am getting some fantastic comments, and suggestions sent to me daily!  I have a ton of topics you want me to write about...and I am eager to please! Thanks for letting me know what you want! 

I was in the process of responding to an email I received in regards to my post, EatRight Ontario: My Menu Planner .... But I need some feedback! I was wondering if you've tried the menu planner? How did it work for you?....Good? or Bad?  
I would LOVE to know what you thought about it...either way!! Don't be shy! Email me @ thetrendydomestic@cheekysisters.com
Look forward to hearing from you Divas!!! :p

The Trendy Domestic

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

K.I.S.S. Me...It's just lunch!

Happy Tuesday Divas! 

No fancy blogging here today! Let me get straight to it...... I'm keeping it simple! (You will quickly notice my theme :P)

"Keeping it simple" when it comes to your lunch, is the best way for you to guarantee two things... 1) It's easy to make and get ready and 2) it makes it easier to maintain your healthy eating habits (If that's what your trying to accomplish, In addition to the obvious... filling up your belly!) My lunch today, was the epitome of SIMPLE... and it just happen to be the BEST lunch I have made myself, I think all year! 

My Lunch.... 

Pasta Salad
Marble Cheese (Low fat) 
3 Boiled eggs (I cut the boiled eggs in half, and take out half of the yolk from each egg...I love the whites) 

THAT'S IT....  So simple, but yet so de-double-licious!!!  The work is in the pasta salad. I can make it easy for you!   Check out my "5 piece pasta salad" recipe.  Start to finish, 5 ingredients, and it takes all of 15 minutes!!  Give my recipe a whirl, and feel free to email me with your feedback: thetrendydomestic@cheekysisters.com 

Fun Fact! 

K.I.S.S-  Is an acronym I leant while in cooking school.  It stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. You can drop the stupid, I think my teacher added that just for me.....  But you get my point.  Food is best, when it's kept simple!  

The Trendy Domestic 