I've been a smart cookie for about 4 years now. True Story.
"Five girlfriends - sharp, successful and secretly drowning in dept." Together these 5 woman, started a money group, and within 1 year managed to pay off $50,000 of dept, PLUS earning hundred of thousand in additional income. Soon, it wasn't just their financial situation drastically improving, these woman made major strides in careers, relationships and life goals. They dubbed themselves "the Smart Cookies" It's a great story! To sum up what it means to be a smart cookie....
"our biggest dream is now a reality with a thriving online business for thousands of Smart Cookies who like us, crave daily tips, products and inspiration to live a sweet life, Debt Free. Whether you’re determined to get out of debt, or just trying to get ahead, living your life Debt Free isn’t about sacrificing your style or sanity it’s about making smart choices."
smartcookies.com does exactly THAT. SC helps you make smart choices. Sending daily product deals, "frugal" tips on just about everything, websites with freebies, and sooo much more! They share the wealth, literally! I Love, Love, LOVE everything they deliver to my inbox!
So, why am I telling you this? With Christmas a total of... 27 days away (YIKES) I found today email AMAZEBALLS! I make a lot of my gift, so this is right up my alley! The girls at SC have just saved us hours of searching on Pintrest... lol. Check out the link below for 5 free wrapping, decorating and gift making tips. "Guaranteed gorgeous and guaranteed free". Enjoy!
Cheers, "Tip it"
Lisa Guacamole xo
A little bit of Martha, a splash of Julia Child, topped with some Carrie Bradshaw. I'm trendy. I'm outspoken. I'm domestic. I'm quirky, funny, and a lot over the top. I make a mean guacamole! I blog about EVERYTHING! From cooking to cleaning, crafting to sewing, gossip to what I did this weekend! Life is short! I want a life full of happiness, love, laughter awesomeness, and wicked memories. It all starts here.... I'm recording my life :) and I hope y'all like it!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
I have a ZEST for clean.
How do I get stain out of EVERYTHING? Lemons! Lemons, don't stop at stains either!
Pure lemon juice, is as good as gold.... a trick my grandma taught me years ago. I pretty much use lemon juice for "something" everyday! A few things I clean with lemons on a regular basis...
Coffee stained pot:
2 drops of lemon juice, fill the pot with hot water and let sit for 2 minutes.
White laundry:
I don't use bleach. I squeeze 1-2 fresh lemons (depending on how big the lemons are, and how big your load of laundry is) directly into the hot water in the washing machine. If you have an HE washing machine, I put the lemon juice in the bleach tray!
I mix 1/4 cup of Lemon juice with 1L of hot water in a spray bottle to disinfect my counters. ALL COUNTERS in the house.
Greasy Dishes:
1 drop of lemon juice in your dish water, and it's the best degreaser you have ever used!
Clogged drain:
Pure 2 tbsp. of baking soda down the drain, chase it with 1/2 cup of lemon juice. It'll fizz and bubble like the volcano you made for the grade eight science fair. FYI... This is not a "fix" all..you may need drano! This only works for minor clogs.
Smelly Foods:
Cooking some fish, using lots of garlic, or maybe burning something can leave your house smelling...less than febreze fresh. Peal a lemon, adding together in a pot, your peal & 1-2 cups of water, bring it to a boil. I boil it for about 5-10 minutes. Your house will smell AMAZING! (Optional: Add rosemary or a cinnamon stick to your concoction!)
Facial scrub:
Mix lemon juice with sugar, and scrub! Don't scrub too hard, and stay away from the tender area around the eyes. I don't use this facial scrub everyday, maybe only once a month.
I sanitize my jewellery in lemon juice. I don't leave it in the juice, very long. I put my earrings in a bowl of juice for about a minute and then rinse in hot water.
I have a million other things you can use lemons for....I'll make and post a list! I'm sure i'll think of 20 more things by the end of the day! I LOVE lemons!
Peace & Love
The Guacster xo
Pure lemon juice, is as good as gold.... a trick my grandma taught me years ago. I pretty much use lemon juice for "something" everyday! A few things I clean with lemons on a regular basis...
Coffee stained pot:
2 drops of lemon juice, fill the pot with hot water and let sit for 2 minutes.
White laundry:
I don't use bleach. I squeeze 1-2 fresh lemons (depending on how big the lemons are, and how big your load of laundry is) directly into the hot water in the washing machine. If you have an HE washing machine, I put the lemon juice in the bleach tray!
I mix 1/4 cup of Lemon juice with 1L of hot water in a spray bottle to disinfect my counters. ALL COUNTERS in the house.
Greasy Dishes:
1 drop of lemon juice in your dish water, and it's the best degreaser you have ever used!
Clogged drain:
Pure 2 tbsp. of baking soda down the drain, chase it with 1/2 cup of lemon juice. It'll fizz and bubble like the volcano you made for the grade eight science fair. FYI... This is not a "fix" all..you may need drano! This only works for minor clogs.
Smelly Foods:
Cooking some fish, using lots of garlic, or maybe burning something can leave your house smelling...less than febreze fresh. Peal a lemon, adding together in a pot, your peal & 1-2 cups of water, bring it to a boil. I boil it for about 5-10 minutes. Your house will smell AMAZING! (Optional: Add rosemary or a cinnamon stick to your concoction!)
Facial scrub:
Mix lemon juice with sugar, and scrub! Don't scrub too hard, and stay away from the tender area around the eyes. I don't use this facial scrub everyday, maybe only once a month.
I sanitize my jewellery in lemon juice. I don't leave it in the juice, very long. I put my earrings in a bowl of juice for about a minute and then rinse in hot water.
I have a million other things you can use lemons for....I'll make and post a list! I'm sure i'll think of 20 more things by the end of the day! I LOVE lemons!
Peace & Love
The Guacster xo
I shouldn't joke, but....
I'm pretty sure I have A.D.D. I know...I shouldn't joke about it... BUT my sister is a text book case. That makes it OK right? My Issue: I can't seem to just sit and "do" at my computer. Half way through an email, I need a break...I go to facebook. Trying to write a blog entry, "let's check out Pintrest". When all else fails...I turn to people.com, if not watch the Y & R on globaltv.com. It's only when I NEED to concentrate, that I turn to mindless crap-ola to distract me! Why is that? WTF?
Lucky YOU! If it wasn't for my need for mindless Bull Shat, I wouldn't have found this website. THE best part... They are PRINTABLE & FREE cards!
For anyone who know's me, I start counting on July 9th. 364 till my birthday! I found this card most appropriate...
Lucky YOU! If it wasn't for my need for mindless Bull Shat, I wouldn't have found this website. THE best part... They are PRINTABLE & FREE cards!
For anyone who know's me, I start counting on July 9th. 364 till my birthday! I found this card most appropriate...
Monday, November 26, 2012
I give you...your first blunt tip!
Blunt Tip #1:
Girls, don't be sluts! Sure it's fun...and boys like sluts, but MEN don't! "The Good Ones" The boys and men you WANT as a husband or a partner... They don't marry sluts! Men want a "freak in the sheets and a lady on the streets"... I Think that sums things up nicely.
Stay classy not trashy girls!
Hope you enjoy your Blunt Tip!
Hope you enjoy your Blunt Tip!
Peace & Love
Lisa Guac xo
Thursday, November 22, 2012
My reality: Garlic is cheap
So back to reality. 1 year ago, almost to the day, I predicited this! The day our friends weddings would be all done. All big events over. Life would go back to "normal"... normal meaning, I seem to think I will have time to slow down, relax, have nothing to do. That's hilarious! When have I ever slowed down, relaxed.... and had nothing to do!
We're home from the Dominican, Becky's wedding week was amazing! 7 days of bliss! After an awesome delay in Punta Cana (The airport literally flooded while we were in it. It was the craziest rain, I have ever in my life seen, it felt like we were weathering a hurrican...and my running shoe were mesh to bout...booo!) finally we were home. I think I was back a total of 10 hours and I had a list ready to go to grocery store, and our meals planned for the week. Things were definately back to normal. Off to the store I go. I'm ambitious. Excited. I can't wait to buy tons of food to cook, just because I have the time! lol. There's a sale on GARLIC! I love garlic. So does Chris. Oooohhh I could have a wine and cheese night for the girls...and roast garlic! I can do so much with garlic.... I was so excited I yelled out I'll PICKLE IT...because it was such a great idea right? lol. For a total of $2.00 I got myself 30 LARGE cloves of garlic. I. Was. PUMPED!
So I go home, pull up a recipe (which I should have done on my iPhone in the store...) I'm easily short 5 ingredients. I'm NOT going back to the grocery store on Sunday afternoon. No way Jose. So, I call my mom of course. Mom will know. (Mom will know what? I didn't know...that's why I was calling her.) I tell her my dilemma... It's like she didn't even have to think about it... "Mince it and freeze it into cubes" Holy Shit mom... Great F*$@ing idea! So to the kitchen I go...
Here's the step by step on "how to"... It took me a total of 45 minutes, start to finish.
Using a tablespoon to measure your cubes, makes it way easier when a recipes calls for...let's say 3 tablespoon of garlic. You can quickly measure your 3 tbsp by using 3 cubes.
Flavour your garlic with spices or herbs during the mincing process. Just add them! DELICIOUS!!!
Peace & Love
Guacamole Lisa xo
We're home from the Dominican, Becky's wedding week was amazing! 7 days of bliss! After an awesome delay in Punta Cana (The airport literally flooded while we were in it. It was the craziest rain, I have ever in my life seen, it felt like we were weathering a hurrican...and my running shoe were mesh to bout...booo!) finally we were home. I think I was back a total of 10 hours and I had a list ready to go to grocery store, and our meals planned for the week. Things were definately back to normal. Off to the store I go. I'm ambitious. Excited. I can't wait to buy tons of food to cook, just because I have the time! lol. There's a sale on GARLIC! I love garlic. So does Chris. Oooohhh I could have a wine and cheese night for the girls...and roast garlic! I can do so much with garlic.... I was so excited I yelled out I'll PICKLE IT...because it was such a great idea right? lol. For a total of $2.00 I got myself 30 LARGE cloves of garlic. I. Was. PUMPED!
So I go home, pull up a recipe (which I should have done on my iPhone in the store...) I'm easily short 5 ingredients. I'm NOT going back to the grocery store on Sunday afternoon. No way Jose. So, I call my mom of course. Mom will know. (Mom will know what? I didn't know...that's why I was calling her.) I tell her my dilemma... It's like she didn't even have to think about it... "Mince it and freeze it into cubes" Holy Shit mom... Great F*$@ing idea! So to the kitchen I go...
Here's the step by step on "how to"... It took me a total of 45 minutes, start to finish.
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Garlic |
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Peel your garlic |
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If you've never peeled garlic before, using a knife, give the garlic a good whack with the underside of you closed fist, just like the picture |
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Your whacked, now crack garlic should look like this. Now just peel it. The skin should come right off |
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Grab the EVOO |
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Mince the garlic in a food processor |
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Adding a 1-2 Tbsp of EVOO while the food processor is mincing, making your garlic into a paste |
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You'll need cooking spray |
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And ice cube trays |
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Spray your ice cube trays lightly with cooking spray. Using a tablespoon, fill the ice cube tray with the garlic paste |
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FREEZE! Store the garlic cubes in a big Ziploc bag for up to 3 months |
Using a tablespoon to measure your cubes, makes it way easier when a recipes calls for...let's say 3 tablespoon of garlic. You can quickly measure your 3 tbsp by using 3 cubes.
Flavour your garlic with spices or herbs during the mincing process. Just add them! DELICIOUS!!!
Peace & Love
Guacamole Lisa xo
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
My Thoughts: Mid-November
Mid November. I can hardly believe it. The older I get, the more time just flies by... My life goes by in Friday's! It's CrAzY! I also thinks it's crazy that it's been 5 weeks since I last blogged. I have sooo much to write about, I've been a busy beaver! It's like tackling a messy room... where do you start? I'll start with: I think about my blogging topics all the time. Always, thinking about the next witty thing I can write to make you laugh! I was getting ready for work yesterday, doing my makeup, when I had "a thought".... My thought could be better classified as a statement. An offensive statement, but a funny one. Before I go, sharing my offensive statements or "my thoughts"with all of you...[drum roll please]
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mesdames et Messieurs, I present to you a little segment I call "The Blunt Tip". If you know me... THAT tittle just made you laugh hysterically! My segment is really just "my thoughts" and statements on "stuff". On everything really... I'm blunt. A spade is a spade. As Brenda Walsh said to Kelly Taylor...If it walks like a duck and acts like a duck... She's a duck. LOL. I could not be HAPPIER to share with you because I know you're gonna LOVE my blunt tips! :) Watch for it folks....
Happy Hump Day!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mesdames et Messieurs, I present to you a little segment I call "The Blunt Tip". If you know me... THAT tittle just made you laugh hysterically! My segment is really just "my thoughts" and statements on "stuff". On everything really... I'm blunt. A spade is a spade. As Brenda Walsh said to Kelly Taylor...If it walks like a duck and acts like a duck... She's a duck. LOL. I could not be HAPPIER to share with you because I know you're gonna LOVE my blunt tips! :) Watch for it folks....
Happy Hump Day!
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