Talk about awesome. Spontaneous solo dance party any one? How about this girl! It started with the good intentions of doing the dishes, and getting dinner going early. I got home from work around 3 o'clock today. Easily 2-3 hours earlier than normal! I thought I'd put on a little music to bebop around to... Off topic: I have every "i" device you could image with a plethora of music available to me, yet love the Shaw cable channel 910 "galaxy hit list" that Becky recently introduced me to! Funny eh??!! Anyway, I was filling the sink when Rose Royce car wash came on. I don't know what come over me.... A dance party erupted in the kitchen. One wicked tune after the other. Walking like an Egyptian across my kitchen. It was a wicked end to a work week! And honestly, if my iMac was still in the kitchen (it's recently been relocated), there would be footage for you! Breanne can vouch for me, she's seen other video first hand!
Needless to say, we JUST sat down to a lovely dinner, lol... and I still have to do my dishes... so what's one more delay to stop and blog about todays cardio?!
Dance like no one's watching!
Cheers folks!
Lisa Guacamole
A little bit of Martha, a splash of Julia Child, topped with some Carrie Bradshaw. I'm trendy. I'm outspoken. I'm domestic. I'm quirky, funny, and a lot over the top. I make a mean guacamole! I blog about EVERYTHING! From cooking to cleaning, crafting to sewing, gossip to what I did this weekend! Life is short! I want a life full of happiness, love, laughter awesomeness, and wicked memories. It all starts here.... I'm recording my life :) and I hope y'all like it!
Friday, February 22, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
It's just a joke.....
I'm a FUNNY GIRL this thursday! And since SO many of you love my last "cheesy joke" blog entry, I think TODAY we all need a good laugh from a dumb, but funny joke! It seems gloomy days and cold weather are making people cranky..... :) Maybe a stupid joke will help cheer you up! I got a good laugh out of some of these! Enjoy.... Happy Thursday! :)
What do you call two mexican's playing basketball?
Juan on Juan.
Have you heard about the Corduroy pillow?
It's making HEADLINES!
Did you hear about the fire at the Circus?
It was IN TENTS!
What happens when Frogs park illegally?
They get towed!
What do you call a guy who NEVER farts in public?
A private tutor!
FACT: Smiling is good exercise for your cheeks! :)
Peace & love
Lisa xo
Boys: This pick up line probably won't work on many....
Probably the best pick up line a guy has ever used on me:
"Hey you're pretty, can I buy you a steak?"
This Happen about 5 or 6 years ago, and I cant' remember how I responded, but this still cracks me up every now and then. I also wonder... did this line really ever work on a girl(s)?
LG xo
"Hey you're pretty, can I buy you a steak?"
This Happen about 5 or 6 years ago, and I cant' remember how I responded, but this still cracks me up every now and then. I also wonder... did this line really ever work on a girl(s)?
LG xo
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Blunt Tip #3
Do you ever have those days when EVERYONE is driving you nuts? Oh C'MON.... I've seen a ton of your facebook status'! Everyone is driving like idiots? The rudest lady EVER bumps into you in the grocery store? An old man butts in line at the bank? You walk away from almost ever encounter with people that day thinking "What the hell is wrong with people?" NORMALLY, any one of these things could happen to you (and probably multiple time a day), and you would brush it off or not even notice, so... "what the hell is wrong with people".
The reality of your brutal day is:
Now... Don't get all bitchy boo, if this applies to you TODAY... We all have days like this!
Now... Don't get all bitchy boo, if this applies to you TODAY... We all have days like this!
I know... You don't want to hear that...ESPECIALLY on the worst of days, BUT it's true! Go back to elementary school... What's the common denominator?
Realizing IT'S YOU, may or MAY NOT change your mood, BUT realizing IT'S YOU, can certainly help the way you react... "to all those idiots".
P.S. I'm having one of THOSE days! Knowing it's ME, is probably what stopped me from giving the Ol' elbow to the little old lady at the grocery story!
Think about it... I'm not wrong! :)
Lisa xo
Monday, February 18, 2013
A little bit of everything. Not enough of anything.
I guess I could have taken all the work out of this, and JUST drank the half magnum of wine, BUT I didn't feel like that was "enough" after the Monday I'd had at work... lol.
My big ass juice jug made it's way to this party! I'm making, Sangria A LA Lisa. If you are thinking for one second... that's not sangria.... You're right! I don't care. It's delicious, so call it what you want! I call it, Sangria!
Half a big ass jug of Sangria ain't too shabby! |
I poured all my red wine into my big ass juice jug. Add the Ginger Ale, and the Champs. Give it a little stir, and top it off with some OJ (just a splash...not too much!) I found half a lemon in my fridge, so I garnished my glass. It was THAT simple..AND SO good and it looked...SO fancy :)
Pour a glass...and ENJOY! |
I'm kinda famous for my Sangria... I make it ALL the time! To quote my dear friend Jenna she refers to my Sangria as "Her Favourite", and ladies and gents... She's a booze expert, so you know it's good.
Cheers, and Enjoy!
LG xo
Saturday, February 16, 2013
My Valentine's Day Quickie! [Recipe inside]
Le Menu:
Spicy Arugala with olive oil and fresh lemon juice dressing
Beer Roasted Lemon Chicken
Roasted Carrots, Sweet Potato, Red and White Potatoes.
Steamed Broccoli
Seems Fancy Pants... I KNOW, but it's not! I promise... Let the PREP begin. I had 30 minutes to get this ready! (not including the cook time) And...GO!
Le Grocery list:
3 Lrg. Carrots
3 White Potatoes
3 Red Potatoes
2 Lrg. Onion.
1 head of Arugula
2 Lemons
Olive Oil
2 bottle of beer ( I of course used Alexandre Keith's :P)
Prep DONE with T -minus 8 minutes to spare!
Step 1: Pull your chicken out of the fridge about 30 minutes before you put it in the oven. (I pulled it out when I started my prep)
Step 2: Preheat your oven while your doing the prep to 375 degrees
Step 3: Roughly chop up your onions, potatoes, carrots and one lemon. (I kept the peels on everything..except my onions :P) Reserve your vegetables and one onion to a bowl. Set one onion and the chopped lemon aside for the chicken.
Step 4: Stuff your bird with the onion and lemon. Literally, just stuff it in there. What doesn't fit IN the bird, throw on top or just in the pan.
Step 5: Pour your beer, all over and inside the cavity of the chicken and add 1 cup of water to the bottom of your baking dish.
Put the bird in the over, uncovered, for about 1.5 hours (my chicken was about 3 lbs.) or until the internal temp of the chicken reaches 185 F. (or, if your experienced enough, when the juices of the chicken run clear) Check on your chicken every now and then, just to make sure your pan doesn't' run dry of it's liquid. I basted my chicken probably 2 or 3 times while it was cooking.
Step 6: While my Chic-chic-chicken was cooking, I made my vegetables. Take your bowl of potatoes, carrots and onion. Drizzle it with some olive oil, season with salt and pepper and TADA! Throw these bad boys, into a baking dish or on a baking sheet. These take about 35-45 minutes to cook at 375. When I had 45 minutes left on my chicken, I threw my vegetables in.
Dun Dun Dun... My bird and roasted veg are READY!
Step7: I steamed broccoli, I happen to have in the fridge cut up, because I thought I needed more green.
Step 8: Wash and spin your Arugula. (This can be done earlier in the "step" process)
Step 9: Lightly drizzle olive oil on the Arugula (approx. 2-3 tbsp), roll your lemon on the counter with your hands, 2 or three times to soften it up. Cut the lemon in two, and juice the lemon over the arugula and toss! Salad Finito!
Le Table is all SET + CK1 is pouring my wine... :) |
AAAAAA- Rugula Salad.... I heart you! |
Chef's Tip:
The best piece of advise I can give you, I have given many times before. KISS! Keep It Simple (Stupid)... Simple, fresh food, is most delicious when it's kept...Simple and Fresh! :)
Peace & Love
LG xo
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