Holy Batman.... It's 2013. I can hardly believe it. I've said this many times before...time flies! It seems like the older I get, the more any anticipated event (Christmas, summertime, my birthday.... ) Comes and goes, before I know it. I'm curious to see what 2013 will bring me. Or rather...what I will do for myself in 2013? I have NO complaints about 2012... so here's to hoping, fingers cross that nothing but wonderful things continue to happen this coming year! Initially, I though I would start the year by blogging a quick recap of 2012, and all my exciting milestones.... but as I sat here writing my "recap blog", I got to thinking about "resolutions"... I've also said this before...I believe I have a mild case of A.D.D... so my mind drifted, AND a new blog was born!
Do you make a New Years resolution? And do you follow through with it or them? I've never been successful with a resolution. NEVER!
So much like last year, I resolve to make NO resolutions, AGAIN! My goal, has been renewed.... To just BE BETTER! Give everything... and I mean EVERYTHING 110% of Lisa! I wear many hats (metaphorically speaking of course...) so with each one, my plan is add more FLARE! More PIZAZZ! I want to be a better wife, aunt, sister, daughter, friend, housekeeper, cook...whatever the hat, I plan to add a little something, something to each and everyone of them this year! I'm very much looking forward to what I will do for myself over the next 365 days! What will you be doing for yourself in 2013?
Stay Warm & Happy New Year
L.G xo
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