This happens more often then I care to admit, and.... It's usually the best sleep I've had in weeks!
A little bit of Martha, a splash of Julia Child, topped with some Carrie Bradshaw. I'm trendy. I'm outspoken. I'm domestic. I'm quirky, funny, and a lot over the top. I make a mean guacamole! I blog about EVERYTHING! From cooking to cleaning, crafting to sewing, gossip to what I did this weekend! Life is short! I want a life full of happiness, love, laughter awesomeness, and wicked memories. It all starts here.... I'm recording my life :) and I hope y'all like it!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Police reports: Never fun when your in a hurry
You wouldn't just get up and run with a loaded gun for fun? You certainly wouldn't lob it to your friend all willy nilly? Because you could kill them! Seems stupid of me to point out I'm sure... But I was reminded today, just how stupid people can "seem" when they're driving. I'm sure the a-hole (my nickname for "him") that almost hit me today...wasn't stupid, BUT for a split second, a momentary laps where he stop paying attention to what he was doing, he could have killed, or hurt us both. He was texting. BUT texting is really just one example, of what people do other than "drive" while they're driving. I make mistake too. We all do, especially, once we get used to or comfortable with driving. Next time you're about to pick that phone up, while your driving.... Use the loaded gun analogy. THAT is a mistake I doubt you would EVER make! "Woopsy doodle... I forgot the gun was loaded" Probably not! Slow down, and pay attention, when your driving! It's for the good of all of us. Patience is a virtue after all! :)
The winter is upon us! Making making the roads a extra "death trapy"! Be safe, be patient, and pay attention! I almost got hurt today! Luckily...I was paying attention :)
And slow down...
The winter is upon us! Making making the roads a extra "death trapy"! Be safe, be patient, and pay attention! I almost got hurt today! Luckily...I was paying attention :)
And slow down...
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
CALM DOWN! Clean your box!
The Before....
I feel disorganized. Chaotic almost. I have a million things to do, and haven't a clue where to start. 611 messages, 223 unread. FAK my life! AND, It's only TUESDAY! Naturally, rather than deal with my chaos..I "surf the web".... (I hate that saying, but had to plug it in! lol) I read a million and one articles on getting organized, "sorting through the chaos", becoming more efficient... blah blah blah! The best piece of advise I found myself? Clean your Inbox Bitch! So simple... and yet so bang ON! Sooo, I tried it out. Try it out! I'm not going to preach. You won't know how this simple task will be working for you, until you do it! Clean your box. File all your emails! It's a clean slate busy beavers.
The life of Lisa AFTER...
Inbox still clean! Shit together! Weird. I have managed to move mountains recently. Odd.... because I am not sure how "this" works, but... I'm focus, efficient, and I know EXACTLY what needs to get done these days. My Christmas list- done! House- decorated. All laundry- done! (This may be the Christmas miracle I have been waiting for :P) A whole day of cooking/baking while drinking my homemade Irish cream- AMAZING! I'm "making time" for the first time in... well...for the first time. Coincidence that my new found clarity and focus coincides with cleaning my inbox? Maybe? Maybe not? Try it and let me know.....
Stay tuned for the Homemade Irish Cream Recipe I speak of above... dee-double-licious!
Peace & Love,
YOU are not the EXCEPTION to the rules! EVER!!!
My Rant:
We all have to work for what we want out of life. We all have to do things we don't like. The rules of the road, apply to all of us. We all have to pay taxes. The law is the law! Do you get the point yet? LOL... My point: There is no circumsatnce in life that makes you the exception or "special" enough that "things" should be different for YOU... and only you. Life is hard. But what doesn't kill you... right?
My Rant:
We all have to work for what we want out of life. We all have to do things we don't like. The rules of the road, apply to all of us. We all have to pay taxes. The law is the law! Do you get the point yet? LOL... My point: There is no circumsatnce in life that makes you the exception or "special" enough that "things" should be different for YOU... and only you. Life is hard. But what doesn't kill you... right?
BA BAM... My Tip:
Stop blaming you problems on everyone else. Accept, that where you are TODAY, is all because of the choices you have made! You can accept it, or you can choose to change it. But, stop expecting some miracle to fix or figure out your shit! It won't happen! Work hard, BE PROUD, be smart with your pennies, live within your means, and be kind! Treat others as you would want to be treated.... You are not the exception. Be grateful when people offer you some help and don't EXPECT anyone to take care of your shat for you!
Welcome to "Life lesson 101" lol.... I'm not wrong, I just say it a lot more bluntly than most!
Oh Happy day Y'all :) Cheers,
Guacamole Lisa xo
Welcome to "Life lesson 101" lol.... I'm not wrong, I just say it a lot more bluntly than most!
Oh Happy day Y'all :) Cheers,
Guacamole Lisa xo
Monday, December 3, 2012
Boot Me.
This should have been my post on September 22nd (the second day of fall) but our weather has been exceptional this year. Fast forward to today. Current weather conditions: cold, grey and gloomy. It's not full on raining, just a lovely cold mist. Ewwww! I'm not surprised.... It's December and this IS Canada! It Just. Looks. Cold. MY silver lining... IT'S BOOT SEASON! Flip your flops, put the stinky flats away, girls, we need socks, it's official! Boot Season is upon us! Skinny jeans, big cozy sweaters, and BOOTS!
Now that it's OFFICIAL... Move to a boot and get laced! :)
I share with you my FAV's!
Peace and Love! Stay warm...
Lady Lisa G. xo
Now that it's OFFICIAL... Move to a boot and get laced! :)
I share with you my FAV's!
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Not EXACTLY a "FAV" pair...But a good pair, this happens to be my outfit today! Charlotte Russe $15 bones.... |
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My ABSOLUTE FAV pair of boots! Town Shoes... NOT CHEAP is all you need to know! :) These boots are also often referred to as CFM boots! LOL |
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My MOST comfortable pair! I might Die if these die! GT Boutique $9.99 |
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My most PRACTICAL pair of boots.... Also not cheap.. but reasonable @ $125. I wear them often! Charcoal grey goes with everything! |
Lady Lisa G. xo
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
I'm a Smart Cookie!
I've been a smart cookie for about 4 years now. True Story.
"Five girlfriends - sharp, successful and secretly drowning in dept." Together these 5 woman, started a money group, and within 1 year managed to pay off $50,000 of dept, PLUS earning hundred of thousand in additional income. Soon, it wasn't just their financial situation drastically improving, these woman made major strides in careers, relationships and life goals. They dubbed themselves "the Smart Cookies" It's a great story! To sum up what it means to be a smart cookie....
"our biggest dream is now a reality with a thriving online business for thousands of Smart Cookies who like us, crave daily tips, products and inspiration to live a sweet life, Debt Free. Whether you’re determined to get out of debt, or just trying to get ahead, living your life Debt Free isn’t about sacrificing your style or sanity it’s about making smart choices." does exactly THAT. SC helps you make smart choices. Sending daily product deals, "frugal" tips on just about everything, websites with freebies, and sooo much more! They share the wealth, literally! I Love, Love, LOVE everything they deliver to my inbox!
So, why am I telling you this? With Christmas a total of... 27 days away (YIKES) I found today email AMAZEBALLS! I make a lot of my gift, so this is right up my alley! The girls at SC have just saved us hours of searching on Pintrest... lol. Check out the link below for 5 free wrapping, decorating and gift making tips. "Guaranteed gorgeous and guaranteed free". Enjoy!
Cheers, "Tip it"
Lisa Guacamole xo
"Five girlfriends - sharp, successful and secretly drowning in dept." Together these 5 woman, started a money group, and within 1 year managed to pay off $50,000 of dept, PLUS earning hundred of thousand in additional income. Soon, it wasn't just their financial situation drastically improving, these woman made major strides in careers, relationships and life goals. They dubbed themselves "the Smart Cookies" It's a great story! To sum up what it means to be a smart cookie....
"our biggest dream is now a reality with a thriving online business for thousands of Smart Cookies who like us, crave daily tips, products and inspiration to live a sweet life, Debt Free. Whether you’re determined to get out of debt, or just trying to get ahead, living your life Debt Free isn’t about sacrificing your style or sanity it’s about making smart choices." does exactly THAT. SC helps you make smart choices. Sending daily product deals, "frugal" tips on just about everything, websites with freebies, and sooo much more! They share the wealth, literally! I Love, Love, LOVE everything they deliver to my inbox!
So, why am I telling you this? With Christmas a total of... 27 days away (YIKES) I found today email AMAZEBALLS! I make a lot of my gift, so this is right up my alley! The girls at SC have just saved us hours of searching on Pintrest... lol. Check out the link below for 5 free wrapping, decorating and gift making tips. "Guaranteed gorgeous and guaranteed free". Enjoy!
Cheers, "Tip it"
Lisa Guacamole xo
I have a ZEST for clean.
How do I get stain out of EVERYTHING? Lemons! Lemons, don't stop at stains either!
Pure lemon juice, is as good as gold.... a trick my grandma taught me years ago. I pretty much use lemon juice for "something" everyday! A few things I clean with lemons on a regular basis...
Coffee stained pot:
2 drops of lemon juice, fill the pot with hot water and let sit for 2 minutes.
White laundry:
I don't use bleach. I squeeze 1-2 fresh lemons (depending on how big the lemons are, and how big your load of laundry is) directly into the hot water in the washing machine. If you have an HE washing machine, I put the lemon juice in the bleach tray!
I mix 1/4 cup of Lemon juice with 1L of hot water in a spray bottle to disinfect my counters. ALL COUNTERS in the house.
Greasy Dishes:
1 drop of lemon juice in your dish water, and it's the best degreaser you have ever used!
Clogged drain:
Pure 2 tbsp. of baking soda down the drain, chase it with 1/2 cup of lemon juice. It'll fizz and bubble like the volcano you made for the grade eight science fair. FYI... This is not a "fix" may need drano! This only works for minor clogs.
Smelly Foods:
Cooking some fish, using lots of garlic, or maybe burning something can leave your house smelling...less than febreze fresh. Peal a lemon, adding together in a pot, your peal & 1-2 cups of water, bring it to a boil. I boil it for about 5-10 minutes. Your house will smell AMAZING! (Optional: Add rosemary or a cinnamon stick to your concoction!)
Facial scrub:
Mix lemon juice with sugar, and scrub! Don't scrub too hard, and stay away from the tender area around the eyes. I don't use this facial scrub everyday, maybe only once a month.
I sanitize my jewellery in lemon juice. I don't leave it in the juice, very long. I put my earrings in a bowl of juice for about a minute and then rinse in hot water.
I have a million other things you can use lemons for....I'll make and post a list! I'm sure i'll think of 20 more things by the end of the day! I LOVE lemons!
Peace & Love
The Guacster xo
Pure lemon juice, is as good as gold.... a trick my grandma taught me years ago. I pretty much use lemon juice for "something" everyday! A few things I clean with lemons on a regular basis...
Coffee stained pot:
2 drops of lemon juice, fill the pot with hot water and let sit for 2 minutes.
White laundry:
I don't use bleach. I squeeze 1-2 fresh lemons (depending on how big the lemons are, and how big your load of laundry is) directly into the hot water in the washing machine. If you have an HE washing machine, I put the lemon juice in the bleach tray!
I mix 1/4 cup of Lemon juice with 1L of hot water in a spray bottle to disinfect my counters. ALL COUNTERS in the house.
Greasy Dishes:
1 drop of lemon juice in your dish water, and it's the best degreaser you have ever used!
Clogged drain:
Pure 2 tbsp. of baking soda down the drain, chase it with 1/2 cup of lemon juice. It'll fizz and bubble like the volcano you made for the grade eight science fair. FYI... This is not a "fix" may need drano! This only works for minor clogs.
Smelly Foods:
Cooking some fish, using lots of garlic, or maybe burning something can leave your house smelling...less than febreze fresh. Peal a lemon, adding together in a pot, your peal & 1-2 cups of water, bring it to a boil. I boil it for about 5-10 minutes. Your house will smell AMAZING! (Optional: Add rosemary or a cinnamon stick to your concoction!)
Facial scrub:
Mix lemon juice with sugar, and scrub! Don't scrub too hard, and stay away from the tender area around the eyes. I don't use this facial scrub everyday, maybe only once a month.
I sanitize my jewellery in lemon juice. I don't leave it in the juice, very long. I put my earrings in a bowl of juice for about a minute and then rinse in hot water.
I have a million other things you can use lemons for....I'll make and post a list! I'm sure i'll think of 20 more things by the end of the day! I LOVE lemons!
Peace & Love
The Guacster xo
I shouldn't joke, but....
I'm pretty sure I have A.D.D. I know...I shouldn't joke about it... BUT my sister is a text book case. That makes it OK right? My Issue: I can't seem to just sit and "do" at my computer. Half way through an email, I need a break...I go to facebook. Trying to write a blog entry, "let's check out Pintrest". When all else fails...I turn to, if not watch the Y & R on It's only when I NEED to concentrate, that I turn to mindless crap-ola to distract me! Why is that? WTF?
Lucky YOU! If it wasn't for my need for mindless Bull Shat, I wouldn't have found this website. THE best part... They are PRINTABLE & FREE cards!
For anyone who know's me, I start counting on July 9th. 364 till my birthday! I found this card most appropriate...
Lucky YOU! If it wasn't for my need for mindless Bull Shat, I wouldn't have found this website. THE best part... They are PRINTABLE & FREE cards!
For anyone who know's me, I start counting on July 9th. 364 till my birthday! I found this card most appropriate...
Monday, November 26, 2012
I give you...your first blunt tip!
Blunt Tip #1:
Girls, don't be sluts! Sure it's fun...and boys like sluts, but MEN don't! "The Good Ones" The boys and men you WANT as a husband or a partner... They don't marry sluts! Men want a "freak in the sheets and a lady on the streets"... I Think that sums things up nicely.
Stay classy not trashy girls!
Hope you enjoy your Blunt Tip!
Hope you enjoy your Blunt Tip!
Peace & Love
Lisa Guac xo
Thursday, November 22, 2012
My reality: Garlic is cheap
So back to reality. 1 year ago, almost to the day, I predicited this! The day our friends weddings would be all done. All big events over. Life would go back to "normal"... normal meaning, I seem to think I will have time to slow down, relax, have nothing to do. That's hilarious! When have I ever slowed down, relaxed.... and had nothing to do!
We're home from the Dominican, Becky's wedding week was amazing! 7 days of bliss! After an awesome delay in Punta Cana (The airport literally flooded while we were in it. It was the craziest rain, I have ever in my life seen, it felt like we were weathering a hurrican...and my running shoe were mesh to bout...booo!) finally we were home. I think I was back a total of 10 hours and I had a list ready to go to grocery store, and our meals planned for the week. Things were definately back to normal. Off to the store I go. I'm ambitious. Excited. I can't wait to buy tons of food to cook, just because I have the time! lol. There's a sale on GARLIC! I love garlic. So does Chris. Oooohhh I could have a wine and cheese night for the girls...and roast garlic! I can do so much with garlic.... I was so excited I yelled out I'll PICKLE IT...because it was such a great idea right? lol. For a total of $2.00 I got myself 30 LARGE cloves of garlic. I. Was. PUMPED!
So I go home, pull up a recipe (which I should have done on my iPhone in the store...) I'm easily short 5 ingredients. I'm NOT going back to the grocery store on Sunday afternoon. No way Jose. So, I call my mom of course. Mom will know. (Mom will know what? I didn't know...that's why I was calling her.) I tell her my dilemma... It's like she didn't even have to think about it... "Mince it and freeze it into cubes" Holy Shit mom... Great F*$@ing idea! So to the kitchen I go...
Here's the step by step on "how to"... It took me a total of 45 minutes, start to finish.
Using a tablespoon to measure your cubes, makes it way easier when a recipes calls for...let's say 3 tablespoon of garlic. You can quickly measure your 3 tbsp by using 3 cubes.
Flavour your garlic with spices or herbs during the mincing process. Just add them! DELICIOUS!!!
Peace & Love
Guacamole Lisa xo
We're home from the Dominican, Becky's wedding week was amazing! 7 days of bliss! After an awesome delay in Punta Cana (The airport literally flooded while we were in it. It was the craziest rain, I have ever in my life seen, it felt like we were weathering a hurrican...and my running shoe were mesh to bout...booo!) finally we were home. I think I was back a total of 10 hours and I had a list ready to go to grocery store, and our meals planned for the week. Things were definately back to normal. Off to the store I go. I'm ambitious. Excited. I can't wait to buy tons of food to cook, just because I have the time! lol. There's a sale on GARLIC! I love garlic. So does Chris. Oooohhh I could have a wine and cheese night for the girls...and roast garlic! I can do so much with garlic.... I was so excited I yelled out I'll PICKLE IT...because it was such a great idea right? lol. For a total of $2.00 I got myself 30 LARGE cloves of garlic. I. Was. PUMPED!
So I go home, pull up a recipe (which I should have done on my iPhone in the store...) I'm easily short 5 ingredients. I'm NOT going back to the grocery store on Sunday afternoon. No way Jose. So, I call my mom of course. Mom will know. (Mom will know what? I didn't know...that's why I was calling her.) I tell her my dilemma... It's like she didn't even have to think about it... "Mince it and freeze it into cubes" Holy Shit mom... Great F*$@ing idea! So to the kitchen I go...
Here's the step by step on "how to"... It took me a total of 45 minutes, start to finish.
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Garlic |
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Peel your garlic |
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If you've never peeled garlic before, using a knife, give the garlic a good whack with the underside of you closed fist, just like the picture |
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Your whacked, now crack garlic should look like this. Now just peel it. The skin should come right off |
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Grab the EVOO |
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Mince the garlic in a food processor |
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Adding a 1-2 Tbsp of EVOO while the food processor is mincing, making your garlic into a paste |
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You'll need cooking spray |
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And ice cube trays |
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Spray your ice cube trays lightly with cooking spray. Using a tablespoon, fill the ice cube tray with the garlic paste |
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FREEZE! Store the garlic cubes in a big Ziploc bag for up to 3 months |
Using a tablespoon to measure your cubes, makes it way easier when a recipes calls for...let's say 3 tablespoon of garlic. You can quickly measure your 3 tbsp by using 3 cubes.
Flavour your garlic with spices or herbs during the mincing process. Just add them! DELICIOUS!!!
Peace & Love
Guacamole Lisa xo
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
My Thoughts: Mid-November
Mid November. I can hardly believe it. The older I get, the more time just flies by... My life goes by in Friday's! It's CrAzY! I also thinks it's crazy that it's been 5 weeks since I last blogged. I have sooo much to write about, I've been a busy beaver! It's like tackling a messy room... where do you start? I'll start with: I think about my blogging topics all the time. Always, thinking about the next witty thing I can write to make you laugh! I was getting ready for work yesterday, doing my makeup, when I had "a thought".... My thought could be better classified as a statement. An offensive statement, but a funny one. Before I go, sharing my offensive statements or "my thoughts"with all of you...[drum roll please]
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mesdames et Messieurs, I present to you a little segment I call "The Blunt Tip". If you know me... THAT tittle just made you laugh hysterically! My segment is really just "my thoughts" and statements on "stuff". On everything really... I'm blunt. A spade is a spade. As Brenda Walsh said to Kelly Taylor...If it walks like a duck and acts like a duck... She's a duck. LOL. I could not be HAPPIER to share with you because I know you're gonna LOVE my blunt tips! :) Watch for it folks....
Happy Hump Day!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mesdames et Messieurs, I present to you a little segment I call "The Blunt Tip". If you know me... THAT tittle just made you laugh hysterically! My segment is really just "my thoughts" and statements on "stuff". On everything really... I'm blunt. A spade is a spade. As Brenda Walsh said to Kelly Taylor...If it walks like a duck and acts like a duck... She's a duck. LOL. I could not be HAPPIER to share with you because I know you're gonna LOVE my blunt tips! :) Watch for it folks....
Happy Hump Day!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Girl be busy!
I. Have. Been. SOOOO. Busy! Clearly.... I think my last post was almost 2 weeks ago! Lots O fun times these days for this girl!
Let's start with...... Becky's getting MARRIED!!! So lots of parties and little things to do..... ALSO, our trucking company is all of a sudden BOOOOOMING which is great,'s been loco!
I've been running a lot! Becky's wedding is in Punta Cana.....enough said right? I found a track around the block from my house! I'm LOVING it!!!
This blonde ain't so blonde anymore! I dyed my hair brown! Bold move... I like it!
The dream team has been busy busy, planning what is probably going to be the BEST bachelorette party EVER! There is not "a one" detail we have not thought of! Just look at us! LOL
I am ALWAYS flippin' doing laundry!
I took a canning class..... That was AWESOME! Well.... the Martha in me thought it was awesome!
To top all of this excitement off..... It was THANKSGIVING here in the great white north last weekend! Turkey, ham, all the trimming, pumpkin pie, lots o' wine, tons of family & friends to celebrate with. Thanksgiving 2012...SUCCESS! So what are you thankful for?
I am thankful for all the little things! They are what makes life worth living!
Later Gators!
L.G. xo
Let's start with...... Becky's getting MARRIED!!! So lots of parties and little things to do..... ALSO, our trucking company is all of a sudden BOOOOOMING which is great,'s been loco!
I've been running a lot! Becky's wedding is in Punta Cana.....enough said right? I found a track around the block from my house! I'm LOVING it!!!
This blonde ain't so blonde anymore! I dyed my hair brown! Bold move... I like it!
The dream team has been busy busy, planning what is probably going to be the BEST bachelorette party EVER! There is not "a one" detail we have not thought of! Just look at us! LOL
I am ALWAYS flippin' doing laundry!
I took a canning class..... That was AWESOME! Well.... the Martha in me thought it was awesome!
To top all of this excitement off..... It was THANKSGIVING here in the great white north last weekend! Turkey, ham, all the trimming, pumpkin pie, lots o' wine, tons of family & friends to celebrate with. Thanksgiving 2012...SUCCESS! So what are you thankful for?
I am thankful for all the little things! They are what makes life worth living!
Later Gators!
L.G. xo
Friday, September 21, 2012
I Fell for Fall.
September 21st. The first day of fall. Ahh FALL. Big sweaters, cozy scarves, apple cider, my famous Guinness stew. So much to look forward to! Before I realized TODAY was the first day of fall, I came across this tree while driving to work on Wednesday! It's as obvious as Waldo... lol... Can you spot the red tree? It's amazing how quickly the leaves change! I drive the same route to work everyday, and I swear that tree was NOT red yesterday! :)
As a kid, I was none to pleased to see the leaves changing colour. It meant "back to school", and I had to start wearing a coat. As I got older I traded in my gripe with coats for socks! Which yes, happens to co-inside with leaves changing colour. For REAL, the only thing I don't like about the cold weather creeping up on me, is that I have to start wearing socks. Sooner rather than later probably around mid October, preferably the end of November...LOL, the flats and flop's flip into retirement. The sweaters and the scarves makes a come back, like bad 80's hair. You would think that after 31 September 21st's, I would embrace the change in season. I think I've always frowned upon Fall because as a Canuck....I am all too aware of just what's around the corner.....
I'm not going to think about what's around the corner this year! "A man is what he thinks about all day long" ~Ralph Waldo Emerson. Having said that I refuse, from September to December to be cold, bitter and grey! :)
It's a beauty of a day today! Mid 70's, cool breeze, with bursts of sunshine, a perfect fall day! I'm happy to report, on Semptember 21st, 2012 I fell for fall! Happy First day of Fall y'all! Let a smile be your style this season! Enjoy your cozy's! Thanks for reading :)
Happy Day!
Lisa Guac xo
As a kid, I was none to pleased to see the leaves changing colour. It meant "back to school", and I had to start wearing a coat. As I got older I traded in my gripe with coats for socks! Which yes, happens to co-inside with leaves changing colour. For REAL, the only thing I don't like about the cold weather creeping up on me, is that I have to start wearing socks. Sooner rather than later probably around mid October, preferably the end of November...LOL, the flats and flop's flip into retirement. The sweaters and the scarves makes a come back, like bad 80's hair. You would think that after 31 September 21st's, I would embrace the change in season. I think I've always frowned upon Fall because as a Canuck....I am all too aware of just what's around the corner.....
I'm not going to think about what's around the corner this year! "A man is what he thinks about all day long" ~Ralph Waldo Emerson. Having said that I refuse, from September to December to be cold, bitter and grey! :)
It's a beauty of a day today! Mid 70's, cool breeze, with bursts of sunshine, a perfect fall day! I'm happy to report, on Semptember 21st, 2012 I fell for fall! Happy First day of Fall y'all! Let a smile be your style this season! Enjoy your cozy's! Thanks for reading :)
Happy Day!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
P.S. I heart snail mail
This week, I had the WORST Monday on record in a long time. No reason really...just a bad day! I stubbed my toe getting ready for work. I broke my coffee mug putting it in the sink. I was all dressed up, and got toothpaste on my shirt. I got to worked and spilt some coffee on my keyboard...not much, just enough to piss me off. I backed up into a sign, while parking at the grocery store. I couldn't find my debit card to pay for my groceries. Bad day right? I probably should have just gone back to bed after the toe incident... So, little miss pissy pants (moi) was pleasantly surprised to see some snail mail on my counter when I got home. I LOVE MAIL (real mail...personal mail!) Probably because the only mail I get is bills.... only if I'm not electronically billed of course! No new babies, engagements, or weddings prompting an event I would expect to be invited to, so I knew (assumed) it had to be good! Funny, as soon as I see mail, I say (usually to my husband) "who's it from"? I love the suspense! Who' it from? What could it be?...
It was a CARD! I was SOOO Happy! It was from one of my dearest, longtime friends Brianne. She lives in Alberta, so I don't see her often! I don't really need to. OH how I love Brianne. She's is one of "those" friends. The type of friend, that you may not have spoken to for a while, but it doesn't matter.... When you do get the chance to catch up, it feels like you never spent a day apart. Always there, at all the right times! Friends like Brianne make life worth living! Her heartfelt card, TOTALLY turn my frown upside down in a total of.... 30 seconds!
It might be blurry... so let me recap: SHE ADORE'S ME!! :) Fancy that...I adore her! |
Not only is she an amazing friend, she plug my jewellery too!
Fairweather friends will come and go. Good friends are so few and far between, cherish them, tell them you love them...Maybe take 5 minutes out of your day, to write them a beautiful little note. :)
Thanks Bri! Lots o' Love to my homegirl!
Cheers Kids! :)
Lisa xo
Monday, September 17, 2012
Introducing...Lisa Guacamole
No big introductory needed really, I am [drum roll pls] Lisa Guacamole. Funny name right? My husband gave it to me. I make a mean guacamole. Here is the "about me" you should know to better appreciate my blog, and what's it's all about. I am a trained Pastry Chef, and self proclaimed Creative Engineer and Domestic Goddess...I can make, bake, cook, clean & organize anything and on a tight budget to bout! SURPRISE I'm also quite crafty! I am...pretty much Martha Stewart met Carrie Bradshaw (No Joke!). I have an exceptionally large collection of shoes, purses, coats, clothes topped with every accessory you could imagine. I for some reason, feel THAT piece of information is relevant.... From left field, my full time gig: I run a trucking company with my dad full time, and it's pretty frikken awesome! I LOVE love LOVE to sing and dance like no one is watching or listening...even when they are! I'm hell bent on cultivating myself and those around me a WONDERFUL life full of awesomenss, happiness, full of memories. No time for BS, or drama with this girl (BUT, let me be clear, gossip is gossip, that's totally different than drama... lol.) Oh yeah... and I also swear like a sailor. Life is hard, and way too short, so I am going to enjoy it!
So. My blog. A place for me to share. Document my life. Maybe show you something new or cool along the way. That's it! Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice :). Life can be shitty, it can also be great. It is what it is, so i'm going to make the best of it, showing off all the way, my wicked silver lining. Hope you follow me!
Peace. Love. Cheers
Lisa xo
What happens when frogs park illegally? THEY GET TOWED..... lol... hahah!
A good cheesy joke always gives me a good giggle! My problem is I can never remember the punch lines when it comes time to tell the damn joke! I had some friends over the other day, and I found it hilarious, that at 30 years old, we were all busting a gut at this.... "two peanuts walk into a forest, one of them gets assaulted".... lol. Stupid right? But funny as hell! Laughing that hard felt good! You know, when you laugh so hard you're ugly? I was howling! Shit like that is good for the soul! It's good for my soul anyway. I love to laugh. I love to laugh loud and hardy. From the gut. Jokes have become my "little something" lately to make people feel good... If I can remember one at the time, I get a good laugh telling a joke to someone who seem cranky or maybe a little Debbie downers. I just throw it out corny, sometimes stupid joke, and I just WAIT for hilarity to ensue! It seems to work. I really think a good laugh, when you're having the crappiest of crappy days, can turn your whole day around! :) I thought I would share a few funnies I heard today. I double dog dare you to read one of these, and not laugh! At least giggle. Like I said, it's good for the soul... Even if it is stupid, and something I probably heard on the school bus when I was seven. LOL...
Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella? For Drizzle.
How did the shrimp call the crab? On his shell phone.
What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta.
What happen when the thief stole the calendar? He got 12 months.
LMAO! Just a few... I hope you like these. I got a good laugh writing them down. LOL. Fell free to share a joke, email me or comment below... I feel like corny jokes, will be making regular appearances around here. :) Happy Monday Y'all.
Stay cool! Peace
Lisa Guac xox
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Chance to WIN not working?
Hey Divas!
Not sure if the link on the last blog worked for you or not? Some say it did...and some say it didn't! If not, COPY the address below and PASTE it to your address bar, smack ENTER and tada! it quickly brings you to the contest! Sorry for the inconvenience! :) Good Luck!
The Trendy Domestic
Happy National Yoga Week!
I have two words for you today! YOGA & FREE. Let me break it down for you....
OF COURSE, I have better news to share with you other than It's Tuesday [although... we are one step closer to the weekend :)] It's NATIONAL YOGA WEEK!!! Soooo.....
YOGA- If you don't do it...You should! It's amazing! Try it...You won't regret it! I have nothing more to say about that! :)
FREE- who doesn't love FREE...
Click the link below, and enter to win a chance to win one of two $1000 Lululemon Gift Cards. THAT'S IT!
Good Luck Divas! I hope one of us WINS!!! :)
The Trendy Domestic
I have two words for you today! YOGA & FREE. Let me break it down for you....
OF COURSE, I have better news to share with you other than It's Tuesday [although... we are one step closer to the weekend :)] It's NATIONAL YOGA WEEK!!! Soooo.....
YOGA- If you don't do it...You should! It's amazing! Try it...You won't regret it! I have nothing more to say about that! :)
FREE- who doesn't love FREE...
Click the link below, and enter to win a chance to win one of two $1000 Lululemon Gift Cards. THAT'S IT!
Good Luck Divas! I hope one of us WINS!!! :)
The Trendy Domestic
The Trendy Domestic Thanks YOU!
Hello DIVAS!
FIRST OFF..... Thank you! Gracias! Merci! Obrigado! Tacka Dig! Vielen Dank! :)
I was in the process of responding to an email I received in regards to my post, EatRight Ontario: My Menu Planner .... But I need some feedback! I was wondering if you've tried the menu planner? How did it work for you?....Good? or Bad?
I would LOVE to know what you thought about it...either way!! Don't be shy! Email me @
Look forward to hearing from you Divas!!! :p
The Trendy Domestic
FIRST OFF..... Thank you! Gracias! Merci! Obrigado! Tacka Dig! Vielen Dank! :)
I would like to say THANK YOU for all for the wonderful support, kind words and GREAT feedback from all of you! I am getting some fantastic comments, and suggestions sent to me daily! I have a ton of topics you want me to write about...and I am eager to please! Thanks for letting me know what you want!

I would LOVE to know what you thought about it...either way!! Don't be shy! Email me @
Look forward to hearing from you Divas!!! :p
The Trendy Domestic
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
K.I.S.S. Me...It's just lunch!
Happy Tuesday Divas!
No fancy blogging here today! Let me get straight to it...... I'm keeping it simple! (You will quickly notice my theme :P)
"Keeping it simple" when it comes to your lunch, is the best way for you to guarantee two things... 1) It's easy to make and get ready and 2) it makes it easier to maintain your healthy eating habits (If that's what your trying to accomplish, In addition to the obvious... filling up your belly!) My lunch today, was the epitome of SIMPLE... and it just happen to be the BEST lunch I have made myself, I think all year!
My Lunch....
Pasta Salad
Marble Cheese (Low fat)
3 Boiled eggs (I cut the boiled eggs in half, and take out half of the yolk from each egg...I love the whites)
THAT'S IT.... So simple, but yet so de-double-licious!!! The work is in the pasta salad. I can make it easy for you! Check out my "5 piece pasta salad" recipe. Start to finish, 5 ingredients, and it takes all of 15 minutes!! Give my recipe a whirl, and feel free to email me with your feedback:
Fun Fact!
K.I.S.S- Is an acronym I leant while in cooking school. It stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. You can drop the stupid, I think my teacher added that just for me..... But you get my point. Food is best, when it's kept simple!
The Trendy Domestic
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Yes, this is your closet! No, it's not a dream!
NOPE! the picture you see below... is not a dream, or from a Martha Stewart magazine! Keep reading! Your closet can easily look like this too! :)
My husband and I recently moved, which meant I had the opportunity to organize my closets from scratch...all of them(...I can almost hear the angels sing, when I say that) Let me say it again just for fun... I got to organize my closets from SCRATCH! ... Based on this, I guess you can also call me, a domestic geek... because the thought of organizing from a clean slate....TOTALLY made my day! :)
Tip & Task Du Jour : Overhaul your linen closet! It's soooo easy!
Store bed linen sets inside one of their own pillowcases .
You can give this project 15 minutes, or spend all day on it...It's totally up to you! No matter how much time you dedicate to this project, the end result I promise, is a beautifully organized, and not to mention and all around good looking closet, you'll be showing off to everyone who comes thru your door! ...Well, I would! :)
The Trendy Domestic
NOPE! the picture you see below... is not a dream, or from a Martha Stewart magazine! Keep reading! Your closet can easily look like this too! :)
My husband and I recently moved, which meant I had the opportunity to organize my closets from scratch...all of them(...I can almost hear the angels sing, when I say that) Let me say it again just for fun... I got to organize my closets from SCRATCH! ... Based on this, I guess you can also call me, a domestic geek... because the thought of organizing from a clean slate....TOTALLY made my day! :)
Store bed linen sets inside one of their own pillowcases .
You can give this project 15 minutes, or spend all day on it...It's totally up to you! No matter how much time you dedicate to this project, the end result I promise, is a beautifully organized, and not to mention and all around good looking closet, you'll be showing off to everyone who comes thru your door! ...Well, I would! :)
The Trendy Domestic
Friday, April 13, 2012
Fridays: The End and The Beginning for so many Domestic Divas
Happy FRIDAY Divas!!!
Seeing as I am (and most of you are, I am sure!) the domestic goddess in my house, Fridays for me, are sooooo bitter sweet.... It's may be the end of my work week, but I am quickly reminded, it is also the beginning of my weekend... Which I would LOVE to pretend my weekends are nothing but FUN TIMES...BUT who are we kidding! My weekend consists of laundry, cooking, vacuuming, general cleaning..... BLAH BLAH BLAH
Recently, while scrubbing down my bathroom, I looked in the mirror (once it was free of toothpaste splatter).... with messy hair, bright green track pants, the rattiest of T-shirts, my trusty apron and my fancy rubber gloves....( for the record: I looked absolutely beautiful :D) I literally looked at myself and LOL'ed! Looking as gorgeous as I did.... I said to myself.... "Who's got two thumbs and makes organizing and cleaning fun.... "THIS GIRL" ...LOL... as I said.... I gave a hardy laugh out loud!
This "moment" I had in front of the mirror has inspired a series of tips I will bring you over the next couple weeks, to help make organizing and cleaning...maybe not fun, but definitely a little easier, and probably a lot more enjoyable than you would like to think!!! : )
Hope the tips help you.... Let me know, send me an email, I would love to hear from you! :)
Pour yourself a BIG glass of wine(or..Your cocktail of choice!).... read this blog, take tonight off......and clean tomorrow!
The Trendy Domestic
Seeing as I am (and most of you are, I am sure!) the domestic goddess in my house, Fridays for me, are sooooo bitter sweet.... It's may be the end of my work week, but I am quickly reminded, it is also the beginning of my weekend... Which I would LOVE to pretend my weekends are nothing but FUN TIMES...BUT who are we kidding! My weekend consists of laundry, cooking, vacuuming, general cleaning..... BLAH BLAH BLAH
Recently, while scrubbing down my bathroom, I looked in the mirror (once it was free of toothpaste splatter).... with messy hair, bright green track pants, the rattiest of T-shirts, my trusty apron and my fancy rubber gloves....( for the record: I looked absolutely beautiful :D) I literally looked at myself and LOL'ed! Looking as gorgeous as I did.... I said to myself.... "Who's got two thumbs and makes organizing and cleaning fun.... "THIS GIRL" ...LOL... as I said.... I gave a hardy laugh out loud!
This "moment" I had in front of the mirror has inspired a series of tips I will bring you over the next couple weeks, to help make organizing and cleaning...maybe not fun, but definitely a little easier, and probably a lot more enjoyable than you would like to think!!! : )
Hope the tips help you.... Let me know, send me an email, I would love to hear from you! :)
Pour yourself a BIG glass of wine(or..Your cocktail of choice!).... read this blog, take tonight off......and clean tomorrow!
The Trendy Domestic
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Happy Diva Day!!! a.k.a...Steak and cheese day (Subway Lover's) a.k.a... MONDAY!
Without further a do...... Let's jump right into it...... The one tip of the week, that is meant for you AND ONLY YOU...
I firmly believe you can't take care of everyone else, if you don't take care of I, The Trendy Domestic declare Monday's... YOU DAY!!! Help yourself get threw the week by starting it off with a little pampering! Every Monday, tune in to The Trendy Domestic blog for the "YOU" tip of the week...and it all starts TODAY! This week, my tip is more like a... "word of the week" than tip!
That's it. Not a huge secret! If you have ever tried it...YOU LOVE IT..... If you haven't.... YOU WILL LOVE IT!!! Pure Honey is one of the most soothing facial cleanser I have ever used! I have to give props to my sister-in law Emily (who I call, Tripper Fierce:D) for showing me the light... She's been using honey on her skin for years...and swears by it (I do :p) I had always assuming plastering honey on my face, would be messy and sticky! NOT THE CASE! It's as easy as any over the counter facial cleansers, and leaves your skin looking and felling absolutely AMAZING!
I suggest to start, you try JUST HONEY.... It's quite soothing and relaxing, leaving your skin feeling sooo soft, so fresh and so clean! BUT... If you're a spa girl, looking for maybe a homemade "microdermabrasion" sort of thing..... (I call that my homemade Mic-HO-dermabrassion) Try this:
1/4 cup of honey
2 Tbsp. brown sugar (raw B.S if you like a real good scrub!)
And...TA DA!!! 20 minutes later, you look & feel FAB!!!
No botox, no expensive creams..... or painful procedure! HONEY! The one word you need to remember and the one thing you need in your cupboard at all times......
Make sure you thank yourself for taking some YOU time!
Talk to you soon
The Trendy Domestic xo
p.s. I always encourage comments, and/or suggestions! If you have tried any of my tips and have a comment, or have something you want to share, please email me @
Without further a do...... Let's jump right into it...... The one tip of the week, that is meant for you AND ONLY YOU...
I firmly believe you can't take care of everyone else, if you don't take care of I, The Trendy Domestic declare Monday's... YOU DAY!!! Help yourself get threw the week by starting it off with a little pampering! Every Monday, tune in to The Trendy Domestic blog for the "YOU" tip of the week...and it all starts TODAY! This week, my tip is more like a... "word of the week" than tip!
$7.00 worth of AMAZING! :) |
That's it. Not a huge secret! If you have ever tried it...YOU LOVE IT..... If you haven't.... YOU WILL LOVE IT!!! Pure Honey is one of the most soothing facial cleanser I have ever used! I have to give props to my sister-in law Emily (who I call, Tripper Fierce:D) for showing me the light... She's been using honey on her skin for years...and swears by it (I do :p) I had always assuming plastering honey on my face, would be messy and sticky! NOT THE CASE! It's as easy as any over the counter facial cleansers, and leaves your skin looking and felling absolutely AMAZING!
I suggest to start, you try JUST HONEY.... It's quite soothing and relaxing, leaving your skin feeling sooo soft, so fresh and so clean! BUT... If you're a spa girl, looking for maybe a homemade "microdermabrasion" sort of thing..... (I call that my homemade Mic-HO-dermabrassion) Try this:
The only HONEY my husband needs! :) ME!! |
2 Tbsp. brown sugar (raw B.S if you like a real good scrub!)
- Stir the two ingredients together until completely blended
- Spread your Mic-HO-dermabrasion on your face
- Put on your fav TV show (RHWOC, American Idol, Jersey Shore.....whatever your poison!) Sit back and relax for about 10-20 minutes! Wash your face with warm water, moisturising is optional....but I think you will find, you don't need it!
And...TA DA!!! 20 minutes later, you look & feel FAB!!!
No botox, no expensive creams..... or painful procedure! HONEY! The one word you need to remember and the one thing you need in your cupboard at all times......
Make sure you thank yourself for taking some YOU time!
Talk to you soon
The Trendy Domestic xo
p.s. I always encourage comments, and/or suggestions! If you have tried any of my tips and have a comment, or have something you want to share, please email me @
Thursday, March 22, 2012
EatRight Ontario: My Menu Planner
Hey Divas!
Soooooo HAPPY THURSDAY, I know I start the "roster" of topics next week...BUT.... I just had to quickly post this...I couldn't resist! I think so many of you would benefit from this website. I have been looking for months, for something like this! :) One stop shopping for,menu planning, grocery lists, healthy alternatives, etc.... GREAT SITE! :) Check it out...
EatRight Ontario: My Menu Planner
GOOD LUCK to any diva that gives this a wurl! My husband (unknowingly... he he) and myself will be trying this too! :) Shoot me an email if this website was useful to you!
P.S. Smile, It's great exercise for your cheeks! :p
The Trendy Domestic
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