Talk about awesome. Spontaneous solo dance party any one? How about this girl! It started with the good intentions of doing the dishes, and getting dinner going early. I got home from work around 3 o'clock today. Easily 2-3 hours earlier than normal! I thought I'd put on a little music to bebop around to... Off topic: I have every "i" device you could image with a plethora of music available to me, yet love the Shaw cable channel 910 "galaxy hit list" that Becky recently introduced me to! Funny eh??!! Anyway, I was filling the sink when Rose Royce car wash came on. I don't know what come over me.... A dance party erupted in the kitchen. One wicked tune after the other. Walking like an Egyptian across my kitchen. It was a wicked end to a work week! And honestly, if my iMac was still in the kitchen (it's recently been relocated), there would be footage for you! Breanne can vouch for me, she's seen other video first hand!
Needless to say, we JUST sat down to a lovely dinner, lol... and I still have to do my dishes... so what's one more delay to stop and blog about todays cardio?!
Dance like no one's watching!
Cheers folks!
A little bit of Martha, a splash of Julia Child, topped with some Carrie Bradshaw. I'm trendy. I'm outspoken. I'm domestic. I'm quirky, funny, and a lot over the top. I make a mean guacamole! I blog about EVERYTHING! From cooking to cleaning, crafting to sewing, gossip to what I did this weekend! Life is short! I want a life full of happiness, love, laughter awesomeness, and wicked memories. It all starts here.... I'm recording my life :) and I hope y'all like it!
Friday, February 22, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
It's just a joke.....
I'm a FUNNY GIRL this thursday! And since SO many of you love my last "cheesy joke" blog entry, I think TODAY we all need a good laugh from a dumb, but funny joke! It seems gloomy days and cold weather are making people cranky..... :) Maybe a stupid joke will help cheer you up! I got a good laugh out of some of these! Enjoy.... Happy Thursday! :)
What do you call two mexican's playing basketball?
Juan on Juan.
Have you heard about the Corduroy pillow?
It's making HEADLINES!
Did you hear about the fire at the Circus?
It was IN TENTS!
What happens when Frogs park illegally?
They get towed!
What do you call a guy who NEVER farts in public?
A private tutor!
FACT: Smiling is good exercise for your cheeks! :)
Peace & love
Lisa xo
Boys: This pick up line probably won't work on many....
Probably the best pick up line a guy has ever used on me:
"Hey you're pretty, can I buy you a steak?"
This Happen about 5 or 6 years ago, and I cant' remember how I responded, but this still cracks me up every now and then. I also wonder... did this line really ever work on a girl(s)?
LG xo
"Hey you're pretty, can I buy you a steak?"
This Happen about 5 or 6 years ago, and I cant' remember how I responded, but this still cracks me up every now and then. I also wonder... did this line really ever work on a girl(s)?
LG xo
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Blunt Tip #3
Do you ever have those days when EVERYONE is driving you nuts? Oh C'MON.... I've seen a ton of your facebook status'! Everyone is driving like idiots? The rudest lady EVER bumps into you in the grocery store? An old man butts in line at the bank? You walk away from almost ever encounter with people that day thinking "What the hell is wrong with people?" NORMALLY, any one of these things could happen to you (and probably multiple time a day), and you would brush it off or not even notice, so... "what the hell is wrong with people".
The reality of your brutal day is:
Now... Don't get all bitchy boo, if this applies to you TODAY... We all have days like this!
Now... Don't get all bitchy boo, if this applies to you TODAY... We all have days like this!
I know... You don't want to hear that...ESPECIALLY on the worst of days, BUT it's true! Go back to elementary school... What's the common denominator?
Realizing IT'S YOU, may or MAY NOT change your mood, BUT realizing IT'S YOU, can certainly help the way you react... "to all those idiots".
P.S. I'm having one of THOSE days! Knowing it's ME, is probably what stopped me from giving the Ol' elbow to the little old lady at the grocery story!
Think about it... I'm not wrong! :)
Lisa xo
Monday, February 18, 2013
A little bit of everything. Not enough of anything.
I guess I could have taken all the work out of this, and JUST drank the half magnum of wine, BUT I didn't feel like that was "enough" after the Monday I'd had at work... lol.
My big ass juice jug made it's way to this party! I'm making, Sangria A LA Lisa. If you are thinking for one second... that's not sangria.... You're right! I don't care. It's delicious, so call it what you want! I call it, Sangria!
Half a big ass jug of Sangria ain't too shabby! |
I poured all my red wine into my big ass juice jug. Add the Ginger Ale, and the Champs. Give it a little stir, and top it off with some OJ (just a splash...not too much!) I found half a lemon in my fridge, so I garnished my glass. It was THAT simple..AND SO good and it looked...SO fancy :)
Pour a glass...and ENJOY! |
I'm kinda famous for my Sangria... I make it ALL the time! To quote my dear friend Jenna she refers to my Sangria as "Her Favourite", and ladies and gents... She's a booze expert, so you know it's good.
Cheers, and Enjoy!
LG xo
Saturday, February 16, 2013
My Valentine's Day Quickie! [Recipe inside]
Le Menu:
Spicy Arugala with olive oil and fresh lemon juice dressing
Beer Roasted Lemon Chicken
Roasted Carrots, Sweet Potato, Red and White Potatoes.
Steamed Broccoli
Seems Fancy Pants... I KNOW, but it's not! I promise... Let the PREP begin. I had 30 minutes to get this ready! (not including the cook time) And...GO!
Le Grocery list:
3 Lrg. Carrots
3 White Potatoes
3 Red Potatoes
2 Lrg. Onion.
1 head of Arugula
2 Lemons
Olive Oil
2 bottle of beer ( I of course used Alexandre Keith's :P)
Prep DONE with T -minus 8 minutes to spare!
Step 1: Pull your chicken out of the fridge about 30 minutes before you put it in the oven. (I pulled it out when I started my prep)
Step 2: Preheat your oven while your doing the prep to 375 degrees
Step 3: Roughly chop up your onions, potatoes, carrots and one lemon. (I kept the peels on everything..except my onions :P) Reserve your vegetables and one onion to a bowl. Set one onion and the chopped lemon aside for the chicken.
Step 4: Stuff your bird with the onion and lemon. Literally, just stuff it in there. What doesn't fit IN the bird, throw on top or just in the pan.
Step 5: Pour your beer, all over and inside the cavity of the chicken and add 1 cup of water to the bottom of your baking dish.
Put the bird in the over, uncovered, for about 1.5 hours (my chicken was about 3 lbs.) or until the internal temp of the chicken reaches 185 F. (or, if your experienced enough, when the juices of the chicken run clear) Check on your chicken every now and then, just to make sure your pan doesn't' run dry of it's liquid. I basted my chicken probably 2 or 3 times while it was cooking.
Step 6: While my Chic-chic-chicken was cooking, I made my vegetables. Take your bowl of potatoes, carrots and onion. Drizzle it with some olive oil, season with salt and pepper and TADA! Throw these bad boys, into a baking dish or on a baking sheet. These take about 35-45 minutes to cook at 375. When I had 45 minutes left on my chicken, I threw my vegetables in.
Dun Dun Dun... My bird and roasted veg are READY!
Step7: I steamed broccoli, I happen to have in the fridge cut up, because I thought I needed more green.
Step 8: Wash and spin your Arugula. (This can be done earlier in the "step" process)
Step 9: Lightly drizzle olive oil on the Arugula (approx. 2-3 tbsp), roll your lemon on the counter with your hands, 2 or three times to soften it up. Cut the lemon in two, and juice the lemon over the arugula and toss! Salad Finito!
Le Table is all SET + CK1 is pouring my wine... :) |
AAAAAA- Rugula Salad.... I heart you! |
Chef's Tip:
The best piece of advise I can give you, I have given many times before. KISS! Keep It Simple (Stupid)... Simple, fresh food, is most delicious when it's kept...Simple and Fresh! :)
Peace & Love
LG xo
Friday, February 15, 2013
My 3 fav people are little people!
This is a bit of a longer post...BUT I promise it's a goody! Good luck not smiling while you read... :)
Ahhh my sisters kids. Talk about amazing little people! I hadn't seen them in a few weeks, which is pretty normal for this time of year, but sure as shit, I wasn't in the door two seconds before I told Luke I had missed him like crazy and stated the obvious that I hadn't seen him in sooo long. He was quick to respond "you haven't seen me since the day you picked me up from school sick." I told him he was right. He said "thank you" lol. So well mannered!
When Olivia got wind I was there for a visit, she couldn't tell me what she'd been doing to occupy her time over the last 3 weeks fast enough. She was tripping over words, calling me the wrong name (nanny, mommy, I mean...Tatante) every time she wanted my undivided attention. She could have just said "Look at me while I'm talking" LOL. Like a bat out of hell, Isabelle comes tra-la-la-ing into the living room wearing her Christmas pj's. These kids are SO flippin cute, I was totally content to sit and let all three of them use me as their jungle gym, and I did.... BUT before you know it, it's bed time. I must of heard "I didn't say goodnight to nanny" 20 times, or "I didn't give you a kiss" anything to delay bedtime... I must of gotten 20 kisses between them! I looks to me like Shannon is wise to their games, and I'm sure she's only entertaining this, because I'm visiting! Then... Mommy lost patience. It was hilarious! As the one last kiss goodnight goes around the room one last time, It's now 7:45... I hear mama bear yell out.. "ENOUGH. All of you... TO BED". 3 little bodies scurry to get upstairs. Olivia screams from the top of the stairs.. "Mommy..I mean Tatante, can you tuck me in?".... Almost instantly and simultaneously, the other two yell.. "YEAH... tuck us in!" OF COURSE... Never will I say NO to cuddles, and tuck in's. When you're putting the kids to bed, is when I find they say the funniest shit!

I started with the girls! Isabelle climbs into her bed, with her pony pillow, pony blanket, pony sheet set, unicorn, and Mini mouse, I couldn't help but ask.... "Do you like pony's Isabelle?" As serious as a heart attack, she looks at me with huge eyes..."I LOVE THEM." she didn't even crack a smile. Shannon and I burst out laughing. I hear Olivia behind me say..."she really likes pony's" little miss O is good at pointing out the obvious! Isabelle gets her kisses, and snuggles up to Unicorn (That his name) with a smile on her face, fully content to be hitting the hay. She's a sleeper!
On to Olivia, who usually gets into a bed full of stuffed animals, and about 20 blankets! She wanted EVER single blanket put on her. I ask her is she was trying to sweat out a fever? "Huh?" she said. Never mind... I chuckled. She did too, but I'm sure doesn't know why, lol. I leaned in to give her a hug, when like a leech she stuck her nose in the crease of my neck. Sniffing me like a dog. "YOU smell SO good Tatante. You smell like you did at your old house." WEIRD! We moved a year and a half ago, and I had literally just found a box of body sprays, temporary lost in the move! I hit her in the arm like I would Shannon (a full grown adult might I point out) "OH My GOD, Livi... I haven't worn this perfume since I moved!". I then realized I may of hurt her, luckily I didn't. Oops, sorry Olivia! "You shouldn't hit Tatante, I love you, goodnight". She's not wrong! I love when they turn the tables on me with the rules. Shows me they're listening! :)
On to the boy... His room is always a mess. He's a boy. I made a few comments about keeping it clean (I don't think he was listening) before I remembered I had a cute little dresser to get ride of. It's Hulk green, made of plastic from Ikea. So I offered it up. The tense negotiations begin, they're quick.... Luke keeps his room clean, by storing his toys and "stuff" in the dresser, and I would give it to him, no charge! He agreed... we"promised", I don't think he realizes, I will hold him to this promised! He then says out of nowhere... "Tatante, do you watch Coronations Street?". ARE YOU KIDDING ME, of course I do! "Did you watch it today?" he said with the biggest smile. "NO, what happen? was it good?". "Oh man it was SO good today." He proceeded to tell me about how Kristy and Tyrone wedding turned out with the Fiz love triangle. I was listening to him, but I couldn't help but think, about what a little man he is. It's so cheesy... but I remember the day he was born...and all the awesome things in between! I NEVER would of thought, we would be talking Corrie gossip. As if that wasn't AWESOME ENOUGH... Shannon joined the conversations, and finally noticed I had dyed my hair a bit darker, lol. "Did you dye your hair?" I did, so I took it out of the pony tail it was in. I had curled it the day before, so it was still wavy. "You look like Ariel!" Luke said. OH MY GOD, Thank you! "You just made my life" I said. Luke is so handsome, he looks at his mom with the biggest smile and says "WELL, doesn't she!" I couldn't help it, I channelled my inner Ariel. I opened my arms and let out..."AWWWW AWWW AWWW AWWWW AWWW AWW AWW AWWWW" I'm not sure if it was Luke or Shannon, but one of them said "You look like Ariel, you don't sound like Ariel".
I left their house that night, like a girl with a crush. They left me wanting more...I could just squeeze those kids! Kids really do say the darnedest things! I also think having a wicked mom helps! :)
We'll end there... :) Cause' I could go on FOREVER about these three...(I could go on like a parent.... lol)
Thanks for ready about my fav 3 people!...(4 fav people actually ;)
Peace & Love,
Lisa xo
When Olivia got wind I was there for a visit, she couldn't tell me what she'd been doing to occupy her time over the last 3 weeks fast enough. She was tripping over words, calling me the wrong name (nanny, mommy, I mean...Tatante) every time she wanted my undivided attention. She could have just said "Look at me while I'm talking" LOL. Like a bat out of hell, Isabelle comes tra-la-la-ing into the living room wearing her Christmas pj's. These kids are SO flippin cute, I was totally content to sit and let all three of them use me as their jungle gym, and I did.... BUT before you know it, it's bed time. I must of heard "I didn't say goodnight to nanny" 20 times, or "I didn't give you a kiss" anything to delay bedtime... I must of gotten 20 kisses between them! I looks to me like Shannon is wise to their games, and I'm sure she's only entertaining this, because I'm visiting! Then... Mommy lost patience. It was hilarious! As the one last kiss goodnight goes around the room one last time, It's now 7:45... I hear mama bear yell out.. "ENOUGH. All of you... TO BED". 3 little bodies scurry to get upstairs. Olivia screams from the top of the stairs.. "Mommy..I mean Tatante, can you tuck me in?".... Almost instantly and simultaneously, the other two yell.. "YEAH... tuck us in!" OF COURSE... Never will I say NO to cuddles, and tuck in's. When you're putting the kids to bed, is when I find they say the funniest shit!
I started with the girls! Isabelle climbs into her bed, with her pony pillow, pony blanket, pony sheet set, unicorn, and Mini mouse, I couldn't help but ask.... "Do you like pony's Isabelle?" As serious as a heart attack, she looks at me with huge eyes..."I LOVE THEM." she didn't even crack a smile. Shannon and I burst out laughing. I hear Olivia behind me say..."she really likes pony's" little miss O is good at pointing out the obvious! Isabelle gets her kisses, and snuggles up to Unicorn (That his name) with a smile on her face, fully content to be hitting the hay. She's a sleeper!
I left their house that night, like a girl with a crush. They left me wanting more...I could just squeeze those kids! Kids really do say the darnedest things! I also think having a wicked mom helps! :)
We'll end there... :) Cause' I could go on FOREVER about these three...(I could go on like a parent.... lol)
Thanks for ready about my fav 3 people!...(4 fav people actually ;)
Peace & Love,
Lisa xo
Friday, February 1, 2013
It's FEB 1st... Did you make it?

I may vow to not call them "resolutions", but I think it's great for you to set a goal (call it what ever you want)... If you set your mind to something and you DO it, I think that's AWESOME!(whenever and whatever it is) However, it's a proven fact, that most people stop "moving towards their goal" aka resolutions within the first 2 weeks of January. Is this true for you? Or did you stick with it?
WELL... Regardless.... maybe you "did it" and you're 20 lbs,. lighter(wicked if you did :P). Perhaps you failed miserable at trying to stop biting your nails. As of today, it's irrelevant! If you tried and you've "stopped"... who's to say the goal is lost! START AGAIN. Let Feb 1st be another "go" at your goal.. (Whatever it may be!) Don't stop and wait until January 1st 2014, to make a new resolution, Keep at ER'.
Happy FEBRUARY 1st, Tell yourself YOU'RE AWESOME today! And mean it... Because you are! :)
Happy Friday
Lisa xo
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Can I wait in line to pay you please?
I treat myself once a week to Starbucks. Daily is too expensive for this girl, and FAR too many calories! Every Wednesday, on my lunch break I go... I usually have to wait for one or two people ahead of me, but today there had to be 20 people in line! In no way was I discouraged by the line out the door, so, I join the masses. And we wait...and we wait... 10 minutes later... I'd moved up one spot in line. WTF is going on? As I look from side to side, to see if the line is getting any shorter...even if I haven't moved an inch! "Could I please wait in line, to pay for my over priced coffee?" I said out loud and loud enough knowing the woman in front and behind me, would hear! The three of us giggled and the lady in front turned around to say "tell me about it"...conversation stops, END OF STORY. We all go right back to waiting in a line, looking down at our smart phones! Needless to say, another 10 minutes in line, and FINALLY I hit the cash and place my order. BUT, seriously, having to wait line made me think. I "joke" about how crazy it seems to be paying for over priced coffee after waiting 20 minutes in line, but the lady in line agreed? Why are we both still in line? What's my limit? ... Let me make something very clear I WON'T STOP GOING to Starbucks anytime soon... BUT what's my limit? Here is what I do know. I know I would:
1) Wait 20 minutes in LINE alone + a cool 6 minutes for the barista to make my latte!
2) Pay $9.47 for a Venti Skinny Vanilla Late and a Blueberry Oat bar.
How much is too much for damn coffee? And how long is too long to wait, to pay an exuberant amount for a my beloved latte? I really don't know.... I'll let you know when I reach it I guess! The line just got me thinking.....
On a side note: I had the pleasure of standing in line behind this purse. I couldn't stop staring at it. I'm not sure what I think.
![]() |
Northern Reflections? |
Lisa xo
Friday, January 25, 2013
WE HAVE A WINNER! Two actually!
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to all of my readers that referred Crystal! She WON a free photo session! Many of you sent me emails, because you couldn't leave a comment. Please forgive me... I am still working out some blogging kinks. :) All emails have been included in our giveaway! And the comment section has been fixed... lol. Gracias for your patience!
What are the ODDS? Crystal Hardy was the first name we picked. I think she's got a case of "horseshoes"... LOL. So the Cheeky Sisters made a spontaneous decision! "Let's pull another name...we'll giveaway 2 accessories!" And tada just like that... My giveaway became the Bride To Be +1.
[Insert Drum Roll]
With out further ado.... I am pleased to announce,
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to all of my readers that referred Crystal! She WON a free photo session! Many of you sent me emails, because you couldn't leave a comment. Please forgive me... I am still working out some blogging kinks. :) All emails have been included in our giveaway! And the comment section has been fixed... lol. Gracias for your patience!
What are the ODDS? Crystal Hardy was the first name we picked. I think she's got a case of "horseshoes"... LOL. So the Cheeky Sisters made a spontaneous decision! "Let's pull another name...we'll giveaway 2 accessories!" And tada just like that... My giveaway became the Bride To Be +1.
[Insert Drum Roll]
With out further ado.... I am pleased to announce,
The Trendy Domestic Giveaway Winners are:
Crystal Hardy (B.T.B)- Welland, Ontario
Casey K. - Lethbridge, Alberta
I will be in touch with the winners today to get all of your info!
Thank you all for reading my blog, submit emails and comments, and referring the love birds. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
You guys are awesome! Peace & Love.
L.G. xo
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Frugal FUN Stuff!
I LOVE my new sunglasses. $3 bones. Enough said right! I think these are so sweet (so do so many others too!). I had to show them to the world! :)
I'm SO glad I found these, I would be jealous if I saw them on someone else! SO awesome! :) I always knew there was something missing from my "look"! I seriously CAN'T wait for Movember next year! LOVE, love, lOvE my shades!
AND I'll say it again, they were ONLY $3 bucks. This is my second best score this week!
Peace & Love
I'm SO glad I found these, I would be jealous if I saw them on someone else! SO awesome! :) I always knew there was something missing from my "look"! I seriously CAN'T wait for Movember next year! LOVE, love, lOvE my shades!
AND I'll say it again, they were ONLY $3 bucks. This is my second best score this week!
Peace & Love
If my friends hates them..SO do I, I guess?
FYI: You may find this post funny, but you may also find it stupid! Consider yourself warned :)
My friend Jenna HATES the Kardashians! She can't stand them (even baby Mason...Yes, Jenna is a terrible person, but awesome too!). I'm not sure if I love or hate them. I DO know I LOVE reality TV, especially BAD reality TV, so maybe that's what I like about them....I don't know! Either way, Jenna despises them! I consider myself a top notch friend when a friend (or my sister :P) doesn't like someone... It's an automatic. I don't like them either! It's a given right? Well... It should be a (Yes...I am also a terrible person...but awesome too! :P)
I'm not going to say, I hate The Kardashians, but I certainly don't feel bad making fun of them! Any attention is good attention right?... And let's face it...they put it out there, and make it so easy! This copy of InTouch (dated November 19, 2012) has been in the lobby of my office since November 19th, Ironically, Khloe is the on the cover (FYI her divorce is not what I find funny, although I wouldn't be surprised!) I've gotten a chuckle out of this picture (below) of Kim, since I found out she was knocked up! I feel the need to share it with you all. YES... I know I'm mean...BUT c'mon...It's Kim Kardashian! LOL.
WHAT I FIND SO FUNNY..... (YES, it's juvenile)
DO you REALLY think she'll have the hips needed to bear a child? I'm not 100% sure.... LOL. You tell me???
Just sharing a little celebrity... gossip/mocking? lol... Hope you liked a little mindless fun for you this wonderful Thursday afternoon!
L. G. xo
My friend Jenna HATES the Kardashians! She can't stand them (even baby Mason...Yes, Jenna is a terrible person, but awesome too!). I'm not sure if I love or hate them. I DO know I LOVE reality TV, especially BAD reality TV, so maybe that's what I like about them....I don't know! Either way, Jenna despises them! I consider myself a top notch friend when a friend (or my sister :P) doesn't like someone... It's an automatic. I don't like them either! It's a given right? Well... It should be a (Yes...I am also a terrible person...but awesome too! :P)
I'm not going to say, I hate The Kardashians, but I certainly don't feel bad making fun of them! Any attention is good attention right?... And let's face it...they put it out there, and make it so easy! This copy of InTouch (dated November 19, 2012) has been in the lobby of my office since November 19th, Ironically, Khloe is the on the cover (FYI her divorce is not what I find funny, although I wouldn't be surprised!) I've gotten a chuckle out of this picture (below) of Kim, since I found out she was knocked up! I feel the need to share it with you all. YES... I know I'm mean...BUT c'mon...It's Kim Kardashian! LOL.
WHAT I FIND SO FUNNY..... (YES, it's juvenile)
DO you REALLY think she'll have the hips needed to bear a child? I'm not 100% sure.... LOL. You tell me???
![]() |
ALSO, How the hell does she pull this shirt off without A BRA??? |
Gold tight skirt..Not sure it's your "thing" Kimbo! |
L. G. xo
I LoVe Sweet CHEAP Finds!
I AM PUMPED!! ! Look at today's find..I have nowhere to put this dresser as of right now, BUT I couldn't pass it up when I saw it on Kijiji. I'm OBSESSED! I see SO much potential in this dresser. I can't wait to re-do this! I have a zillion ideas! Plus.... You can always use some extra storage right?
It's real pine, solid... FAB almost new condition, even though the owner said it was over 15 years old! I scored this for $20 Bones! I KNOW!!! AND it was just blocks away from my office. Double SCORE!!! :)
First things first, I'm going to start by telling my husband I bought this TREASURE! (mainly because I need his help to move it lol)
I'll do a little DIY magic and find the perfect spot in my house for this baby! I can feel this one is going to be a show stopper!
STAY TUNED for my finished product!
Thanks for reading
Lisa xo
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
PUMP UP THE VOLUME, pump up the volume....Dance, Dance!
It's always changing. I try to keep it fresh. It's MY staple to accomplishing a workout. It's my PLAYLIST! One of my MANY first world luxuries: I have over 20,000 songs to choose from (THANK you Husband!). From poptart pop to country, classic wedding songs, hard rock to the oldies you remember singing in your parents station wagon. You name it, we've got it! With so many options (and soooo many goodies) I narrow down my playlist song by song.... For me, it's pretty simple...
Does it make me feel GOOD?
Does it make me feel GOOD?
Does it make me SMILE?
Does it make me want to DANCE?
Yes, Yes and yes... "IT" JUST made my playlist!
You may love it. You may hate it.... I seem to be running my life away to it. Here you go... the playlist titled "I work my ass out" on every i-device you can imagine..... Enjoy!
Trooper- Here for a good time not a long time (ALWAYS MY FIRST SONG! LOVE this tune!)
Mumford & Sons- I will wait
Green Day- Nuclear Family
Pitbull- Back in time
Train- 50 ways to say goodbye
Linkin Park- Burn it down
Dragonette- Let it go
Calvin Harris- Sweet nothing
Madonna- Like a prayer
Paul Simon- Me & Julio down by the school yard
Flo Rida & Sia- Wild Ones
Avicii- Levels
Psy- Gangman style
Carly Rae Jepsen- Call me maybe
Mumford & Sons- Little Lion Man
LMFAO- Sexy and I know it
Lady Gaga- Marry the Night
Mumford & Sons- The Cave
Pink- Blow me (One Last kiss)
Pink- Try
Michael Jackson- Beat It
Breath Carolina- Blackout
Bruno Mars- Locked out of Heaven
The Lumineers- Ho Hey
Phillip Phillips- Home
Swedish House Mafia- Don't you worry child
David Guetta- Titanium (feat. Sia)
Fun- Some nights
Will. I. Am. (Feat. Britney Spears)- Scream and shout
Pitbull- Don't stop the party
Ke$ha- Die Young
Kelly Clarkson- Stronger
Marron 5- One more night
Cobra Starship & Sabi- You make me feel
Rhianna- We found love
Selena Gomez and the Scene- Love you like a love song
Tegan & Sara- Closer
Neon Trees- Everybody talks
Madonna, Nicki Minaj & Lmfao- Give me all your luvin'
Dragonette- Pick up the phone
Nicki Minaj- Starships
Karmin- Brokenhearted
Christina Aguilera- Your Body
Onerepublic- Feel Again
B.O.B & Taylor Swift- Both of us
Jennifer Lopez & Pitbull- Dance Again
Ne-Yo- Let me love you
Kelly Clarkson- Catch my breath
The Ready Set- Give me your hand
Not on my playlist BUT, on my ipod...My guilty pleasure: (please don't judge me :P)
Justin Bieber- Beauty and a beat (feat. Nicki Minaj)
Any goodies you want to share? What gets you moving?
Peace & Love- BTYL
Lisa xo
Trooper- Here for a good time not a long time (ALWAYS MY FIRST SONG! LOVE this tune!)
Mumford & Sons- I will wait
Green Day- Nuclear Family
Pitbull- Back in time
Train- 50 ways to say goodbye
Linkin Park- Burn it down
Dragonette- Let it go
Calvin Harris- Sweet nothing
Madonna- Like a prayer
Paul Simon- Me & Julio down by the school yard
Flo Rida & Sia- Wild Ones
Avicii- Levels
Psy- Gangman style
Carly Rae Jepsen- Call me maybe
Mumford & Sons- Little Lion Man
LMFAO- Sexy and I know it
Lady Gaga- Marry the Night
Mumford & Sons- The Cave
Pink- Blow me (One Last kiss)
Pink- Try
Michael Jackson- Beat It
Breath Carolina- Blackout
Bruno Mars- Locked out of Heaven
The Lumineers- Ho Hey
Phillip Phillips- Home
Swedish House Mafia- Don't you worry child
David Guetta- Titanium (feat. Sia)
Fun- Some nights
Will. I. Am. (Feat. Britney Spears)- Scream and shout
Pitbull- Don't stop the party
Ke$ha- Die Young
Kelly Clarkson- Stronger
Marron 5- One more night
Cobra Starship & Sabi- You make me feel
Rhianna- We found love
Selena Gomez and the Scene- Love you like a love song
Tegan & Sara- Closer
Neon Trees- Everybody talks
Madonna, Nicki Minaj & Lmfao- Give me all your luvin'
Dragonette- Pick up the phone
Nicki Minaj- Starships
Karmin- Brokenhearted
Christina Aguilera- Your Body
Onerepublic- Feel Again
B.O.B & Taylor Swift- Both of us
Jennifer Lopez & Pitbull- Dance Again
Ne-Yo- Let me love you
Kelly Clarkson- Catch my breath
The Ready Set- Give me your hand
Not on my playlist BUT, on my ipod...My guilty pleasure: (please don't judge me :P)
Justin Bieber- Beauty and a beat (feat. Nicki Minaj)
Any goodies you want to share? What gets you moving?
Peace & Love- BTYL
Lisa xo
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Love is in the AIR + A Trendy GIVEAWAY :)

Having said that... MOST if not ALL of you have Facebook. Please help Craig and Crystal win a free photography session. There is no couple better deserving, than these two! Here how you can help....
Go to: ask to join the group, and once accepted, POST on the group wall "Crystal Hardy Refereed me". You can then, refer your own friend for a chance for BOTH OF US to win a free session! Awesome contest right?
You help me = I GIVE back!
Let's UP this ante! I really want them to win, SO leave a comment on my blog after you've refereed C & C (or before...I'll never know the difference :P) and you'll be entered to win a free accessory from The Trendy Domestics website, Contest will close on January 20th @ midnight. The WINNER will be announce sometime after Tuesday January22nd via my blog!
Good luck on my giveaway, and THANK YOU for helping give a wonderful couple a little something they, MORE than deserve. You're all awesome! Thanks for reading.
Peace & Love! xo
Friday, January 11, 2013
Lawsuit Pending!
My dad gets to my house, every morning promptly at 6:25am. This monday he was late. CK1 went out to start his truck while I was sippin' my java, and came back in with a warning! "Be careful it's SUPER icy out there." and off to work he went.... The clock hit 6:30 am... no dad? 6:40...still no dad. I was worried...Chris had said, it was super icy, AND I'm a worry ward, so I assume the worst! What if he had an accident? OMG! So I called my parents house... Big Red confirmed it... the Gerbear (aka dad) SLEPT IN! A dollar waiting on a dime, right? I had to jump in the shower, so I wrote a note on one of those magnetic pads of paper, and put it on my front door. I had barely turned around around, when I saw him coming around the corner threw my window. He was limping.... yeeeekkk! He fell! I could tell. He's almost 60 years old man..He could seriously do some damage... He slipped on the tiny-tinniest patch of ice getting out of his truck! Luckily he was fine! But, he can't just let it go...all day he limped around... literally dragging (while I was looking) his leg as if it was made of wood! LOL. The going joke... he's going to SUE me! LOL. Honestly, even if he had "actually" hurt himself...he lost all credibility by F'n around all day! LOL. A few text messages later...we've come to a settlement!
I turn to my blog as proof, we've settled! I provide you with "my evidence"!
I turn to my blog as proof, we've settled! I provide you with "my evidence"!
The Scene of the Accident! The ONLY patch of ice in my NEIGHBOURHOOD! FIXED??? Not sure... I have my opinion on the matter! |
Negotiations started late in the night.... into the early morning! |
SOLD...We've Settled! |
My PROOF we've reached a agreement, you're my witness'.
Settlement Recap:
The one and only, Gerry D, a.k.a. "the bear", has the "right" on Sunday February 24th, 2013 to watch the Daytona 500 @1pm, on my (Lisa) big screen TV. Specifically, the 110" screen in the basement. I (Lisa) am also required, to purchase at my expense, 2 raisin bran muffins.
Finally....some closure! :)
Peace & Love.
LG xo
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Making something out of NOTHING: I'm an EXPERT.
Little story for you...followed by a recipe, I PROMISE! :)
I vividly remember around this time last year, a typical work day coming to an end. Typical being....I was up at the crack of dawn, home late from work, tired.... and in NO mood too cook. (Thank God, I don't have kids, because they would starve!) Top this off with AWESOME... my husband invited some friends over for dinner, and failed to mention it. (Huh?? how does this happen exactly?) I walked through the door, fully intending on dropping my "stuff" and park it on the couch... a safe assumption: we're ordering IN tonight! Only, as I open the door I hear the lovely voice of one of my dearest friends Becky (always happy to see Becky) So, no big deal, I thought ... it's just Adam and Becky, they won't mind if I don't cook and we order something, right? I was JUST about to suggest we order Chinese... when Becky said, with the enthusiasm you only hear from a kid on Christmas might I add.."I can't wait...what are you cooking tonight? I've been looking forward to your dinner, since I heard we were coming!" OMFG! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Oh gawd... I can't possibly suggest take out now! Oh yeah another topping of awesome.... I hadn't done groceries for the better part of two weeks... SHIT! Naturally...panic inside was setting in, even thought I looked cool as a cucumber! No biggie right! I excused myself for a moment to "change", headed upstairs to figure this out! What is a girl to do, do I tell them the truth??? OF course not, that's too easy! It's funny, It's not like they wouldn't understand, I just hate to disappoint anyone who's looking forward to my cooking I guess! I literally said to myself..."what would Martha do?" Martha would turn Kraft dinner into a 4 course meal! Booyah! Side note: It's SO like me to not admit my predicament, scramble and stress...then pull a fab "something" (In this case it was dinner!) out of my ass! I can't remember what I made that day... BUT I remember, Becky saying halfway through watching me make the meal..."How do you make a meal like THAT out of nothing! The honest answer... I don't know Becky! LOL
Fast forward... Wednesday January 2nd, 2013... FML, back to work after the holidays! It's always SO hard to get back into the swing of things after a week off! Blahhh! It was like deja vu... again, NO MOOD to cook, and I hadn't done groceries since Christmas Eve, since we'd been living on Christmas left overs! But we must eat... so to the kitchen I go. I'm about to make something out of nothing! I couldn't help but think of Becky while I was cooking this!
My findings....
1) A tomato
2) Low fat Ricotta Cheese
3) A veggie tray, that was a day from going bad! (R & G peppers, cucumber and celery)
4) Froze garlic (in abundance, see previous post on freezing garlic :P)
5) Cheddar Cheese (champagne cheddar- It is DELICIOUS...I had a tiny piece left)
6) A VERY stale baguette
7) At least 6 boxes of pasta- half empty...
8) Canned Maple Beans & Canned crushed tomatoes
9) EVERY condiment you could imagine!
10) ORGANIC basil (I have a basil plant in my kitchen, I've "labelled" it
I vividly remember around this time last year, a typical work day coming to an end. Typical being....I was up at the crack of dawn, home late from work, tired.... and in NO mood too cook. (Thank God, I don't have kids, because they would starve!) Top this off with AWESOME... my husband invited some friends over for dinner, and failed to mention it. (Huh?? how does this happen exactly?) I walked through the door, fully intending on dropping my "stuff" and park it on the couch... a safe assumption: we're ordering IN tonight! Only, as I open the door I hear the lovely voice of one of my dearest friends Becky (always happy to see Becky) So, no big deal, I thought ... it's just Adam and Becky, they won't mind if I don't cook and we order something, right? I was JUST about to suggest we order Chinese... when Becky said, with the enthusiasm you only hear from a kid on Christmas might I add.."I can't wait...what are you cooking tonight? I've been looking forward to your dinner, since I heard we were coming!" OMFG! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Oh gawd... I can't possibly suggest take out now! Oh yeah another topping of awesome.... I hadn't done groceries for the better part of two weeks... SHIT! Naturally...panic inside was setting in, even thought I looked cool as a cucumber! No biggie right! I excused myself for a moment to "change", headed upstairs to figure this out! What is a girl to do, do I tell them the truth??? OF course not, that's too easy! It's funny, It's not like they wouldn't understand, I just hate to disappoint anyone who's looking forward to my cooking I guess! I literally said to myself..."what would Martha do?" Martha would turn Kraft dinner into a 4 course meal! Booyah! Side note: It's SO like me to not admit my predicament, scramble and stress...then pull a fab "something" (In this case it was dinner!) out of my ass! I can't remember what I made that day... BUT I remember, Becky saying halfway through watching me make the meal..."How do you make a meal like THAT out of nothing! The honest answer... I don't know Becky! LOL
Fast forward... Wednesday January 2nd, 2013... FML, back to work after the holidays! It's always SO hard to get back into the swing of things after a week off! Blahhh! It was like deja vu... again, NO MOOD to cook, and I hadn't done groceries since Christmas Eve, since we'd been living on Christmas left overs! But we must eat... so to the kitchen I go. I'm about to make something out of nothing! I couldn't help but think of Becky while I was cooking this!
My findings....
1) A tomato
2) Low fat Ricotta Cheese
3) A veggie tray, that was a day from going bad! (R & G peppers, cucumber and celery)
4) Froze garlic (in abundance, see previous post on freezing garlic :P)
5) Cheddar Cheese (champagne cheddar- It is DELICIOUS...I had a tiny piece left)
6) A VERY stale baguette
7) At least 6 boxes of pasta- half empty...
8) Canned Maple Beans & Canned crushed tomatoes
9) EVERY condiment you could imagine!
10) ORGANIC basil (I have a basil plant in my kitchen, I've "labelled" it
FYI: I didn't use ALL of these ingredients... I really could make a few things with these ingredients, BUT how's about a little Cannelloni!!!! And it only took me 45 minutes. Start to finish! 30 minutes of baking included! Only a few steps...
To start: Pre-heat oven at 375 degrees, or 350 degrees for a convection oven.
My BASIC sauce! It's a staple, always delicious, and SO easy to make! |
Sauce Ingredients:
One can of crush tomatoes, one fine diced onion, 1 tablespoon of garlic (thawed), Lisa's organic basil (I like a lot of basil, use as much or as little as you would like!), salt & pepper to taste.
I HAPPEN to be having a glass of red wine while I was cooking...You can throw some of that juice in too if you want! I did :)
Sweat the onions until they are clear in colour, add the garlic, cooking it a few seconds (until you can smell it cooking) add your wine & crushed tomatoes. Chop your basil, and throw er' in. Bring it to a boil, turn it down to simmer while you make you filling!
Super easy!
On to the filling...
I fine diced my onion, tomato and almost bad red and green pepper slices (almost bad... dry, but still good!)
I toasted my stale bread (1/2 a baguette) - It was really crispy! I put the crusty bread in a ziploc bag, and beat the crap out of it with a rolling pin. You could use a food processor if you wanted... I guess! I added a tsp of Italian spices, tsp. of garlic powder and tsp of Parmesan cheese to the breadcrumbs.
I mixed my onions, peppers, tomato, ricotta and half my bread crumbs together. I could have eaten just the filling for dinner... It smelt sooo good! There's the filling, THAT'S IT!
I had 6 ready-bake cannelloni shells in the cupboard.
I filled a ziploc bag with my filling and cut one corner, using the ziploc as a piping bag to fill my shells.
I lined the bottom of a square casserole dish with my sauce and placed my cannelloni on top. I completely covered the top of the shells with sauce, reserving a little for later. Sprinkled Parmesan and a little shredded champagne cheddar on top. Covered with tin foil and baked for 30 minutes.
CK1, likes everything that get put in the oven "crispy on top" so I removed the tin foil around 25 minutes in, so the cheese on top got "crispy". You can keep it covered, or crisp it up, it's up to you!
It was 7:45pm when we sat down to eat this FAB dinner... There was no time for "finish product" pictures SORRY! I do promise, I will make this again, and take a "finish product" pic....
Bon appetit! Hope you enjoy.... Thanks for reading!
L. G. xo
Monday, January 7, 2013
Mon Amie Chris K.
Everyone deserves their time to "SHINE" right? Well... today is Chris'. Why? I can only think of one good reason to sum it up.... BECAUSE HE'S AWESOME! He would be m-o-r-t-i-f-i-e-d, I'm sure if he read this, but I don't care! Awesome is awesome, either way you slice it! Plus... he doesn't read my blog! lol This picture (the one below) sits perched perfectly next to me, all day long.... I look at his gorgeous face, a zillion times a day, and I LOVE IT!
Ladies and Gentlemen. Madames et Monsieur....
2 sweaters, 1 zipper |
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Job Posting [FULL TIME] : Professional Bee Bopper
You know what I could do all day? I could seriously drive around town, bee boppin' away.... All. Day. Long. Hands at 10 & 2, elbows a flailing, usually blonde, currently brown hair swinging from side to side. Literally SCREAMING out the words to any song that I know at least a 30 second blurp too.... Hopefully, my window's not down. I rocked out on my lunch break today. It made me think.... "I could do this all day, everyday!" :) Throw my sister in the mix.... Pffff! Unfathomable amounts O' fun! We'd both be in heaven.
SO true.... I laughed out loud.
Funny story: When I was a kid, I used to brag that my mom said I had the voice of a canary... lol. I thought I was AWESOME. I thought I was as good as Mariah Carey. Turns out... I'm not.
SO true.... I laughed out loud.
Funny story: When I was a kid, I used to brag that my mom said I had the voice of a canary... lol. I thought I was AWESOME. I thought I was as good as Mariah Carey. Turns out... I'm not.
Good Things Jar? C'est Quoi?
Have you ever heard of a Good Things Jar? Neither had I, until yesterday! Long story short... I saw a pic on Facebook which lead me to google "good things jar" and sure as's just that!
Start the year with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen through out the year. On New Years Eve, empty it, enjoy and reminisce about all the awesome stuff that happen that year.
I LOVE this idea! Love, LOVE, LoVe it! One small detail.... I'm a little fancier than a "just" a jar though ... So I'm heading to the V V Boutique (my local thrift store) on my lunch, to find myself something fancy! Antique teapot maybe? A cool vase? Maybe something I can smash at the end of the year a la Greek style? Either way...I'm SO on this like a fat kid on an M&M! I know so many of you would like this idea I thought it was worth sharing first thing in the morning! :) If the good things jar perks your interest, and you find yourself the PERFECT jar, send me a picture and I'll post it! At the end of the year, we can share our good things! I'll be posting my jar later today...
Enjoy the day...and stay warm! Emphasis on the "stay warm"... She's frosty here in Canada today!
Peace & Love
L.G xo
Email this girl @
Start the year with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen through out the year. On New Years Eve, empty it, enjoy and reminisce about all the awesome stuff that happen that year.
I LOVE this idea! Love, LOVE, LoVe it! One small detail.... I'm a little fancier than a "just" a jar though ... So I'm heading to the V V Boutique (my local thrift store) on my lunch, to find myself something fancy! Antique teapot maybe? A cool vase? Maybe something I can smash at the end of the year a la Greek style? Either way...I'm SO on this like a fat kid on an M&M! I know so many of you would like this idea I thought it was worth sharing first thing in the morning! :) If the good things jar perks your interest, and you find yourself the PERFECT jar, send me a picture and I'll post it! At the end of the year, we can share our good things! I'll be posting my jar later today...
Enjoy the day...and stay warm! Emphasis on the "stay warm"... She's frosty here in Canada today!
Peace & Love
L.G xo
Email this girl @
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Heck of a way to start two things: 1) A New Year and 2) My first day back to work after a lovely week off.... Take a look at this. Still not too sure how this happen.... ???
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